Submission Policies

Mark Growth
Marketing And Growth Hacking


Your article may not be published if you do not read these guidelines and policies for writers who wish to contribute to Marketing & Growth Hacking (MNG) and the Gist blog.

Marketing & Growth Hacking

MNG is the largest publication on Medium for topics on marketing, growth hacking, and business related growth. However, it wasn’t always this way. Over the last few years, we have grown from 1k followers to a huge group dedicated to sharing marketing and business advice and stories.

Thank you!

Most recently, MNG has become part of Gist!

Gist is an all-in-one growth platform of tools, helping businesses cover all aspects of marketing, sales and support. We are committed to publishing fantastic marketing, sales and growth content on a regular and ongoing basis.

We also want to get that content from contributors, like you!

Submission Guidelines

Failing to follow these guidelines will result in rejection of your submissions.

Valid Topics

Your article must be focussed on at least one of these topics related to business marketing and growth hacking:

  • Marketing, growth, growth hacking
  • Content marketing, social media marketing,
  • Startup marketing & growth
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Analytics, Sales
  • Anything Marketing & Growth Hacking
  • Customer service and support

Important Note: Your article will be placed on the Gist blog first, then moved to this Medium publication.

Article Content

  • Articles must be in full and original, we will no longer accept previously published stories, blogs or other content of any kind.
  • No blatant self promotion. However, you add contextual links where they add value to the reader.
  • At least 1000 words of content, full of advice and relatable details/stories.
  • Some media added (relevant screenshots, YouTube video on a topic, gifs of products in use, etc.).
  • Short sentences and short (1–2 sentence) paragraphs.
  • Subheadings (multiple h2 and h3 subheadings to break up the content)
  • A conclusion (doesn’t have to say “conclusion”) with takeaway points or round ups of the content.
  • Multiple outbound links to sources or subjects mentioned within your content.

Note: Mark Growth is a publication of Gist. Gist is an all-in-one marketing, sales and support platform. Submitted articles, if accepted, will be published on our blog first. Then, the article will be published here on Medium. Authors will be attributed and linked by both this publication and our blog.

What Contributors Receive

  1. Your accepted content (that meets the requirements mentioned), will be published and shown to the Gist audience of more than 15,000.
  2. An author bio will be given to you with a description of yourself and company, a link as well as social profile links.
  3. The article will also be published here on this publication, opening it up to our community of nearly 60,000.
  4. If the content is great, we’ll give you an author profile on Gist to contribute more posts.

Submission Policies

Failing to abide by these policies will result in rejection of your submissions or termination of your contributing priviledges.

Editors’ Rights

  • We reserve the right to add a byline or blurb about our publication and its sponsors at the bottom of your article.
  • We reserve the right to add our logo to featured images in articles.
  • We reserve the right to request the author augment articles to keep them relevant.
  • If an author is unwilling or unable to augment articles, we reserve the right to augment content and remove authorship of author.

Publication’s Rights

  • We reserve the right to unlist any article published in MNG, or on the Gist blog, should it infringe on the well being of another individual without notice to the author.


  • Writers who routinely fail to abide by our guidelines and policies will be removed from the publication and banned indefinitely.

How to Submit Articles to MNG

A few important notes.

We will no longer accept articles or stories that are already published on Medium.

We will no longer accept content that has already been published on another website.

If you submit a draft on Medium, it may take considerably longer to receive feedback and/or publish.

Interested in getting your article in front of both the Gist and MNG audience?

Send an email (address listed below) with the following

  • Your name and company you represent
  • The number of words we require (1000+)
  • 2–3 topic ideas
  • One link to past content you’ve written

If these things aren’t in the email, we may not agree to see a draft from you.

To submit your topic idea or article to Gist and MNG, send an email to

After submitting, please allow up to 3 days for your work to be reviewed and added to MNG. While we usually publish submissions within a day, we sometimes get backed up for many reasons. If you are not interested in waiting 3 days to have your work published, please feel free to publish it before submitting to MNG.

About Gist

Mark Growth is a publication of Gist, an all-in-one marketing, sales and support platform. Gist has nearly 15,000 users and a fast-growing blog. If you would like to submit your article there first, you can check out the guidelines right here.

We appreciate and look forward to publishing your submissions, but if your article is not accepted, you likely did not abide by one or more of our guidelines.

Want to write for MNG?

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Read more articles from Mark Growth on Medium and the Gist Blog. Follow us on Twitter & Instagram @markgrowth. Chat with other marketing & growth hacking professionals on Slack Channel & Facebook Group. Subscribe to the marketing & growth hacking YouTube Channel.

