Social Media- Good vs Evil

A different reality to understand

Marketing And Growth Hacking
5 min readJul 30, 2017


Cyber security and hacking

I don’t want to ever get hacked!

I’m not skilled or savvy when it comes to online security. Most of us are aware of ‘hacking’, but few of us can identify when being hacked until its too late.

We should not be afraid to ask questions especially in this age of information & technology. Asking questions and having discussions is the only way we can start being prepared for online and social media security.

There are rules and laws which govern behaviors and crimes in the ‘physical world’ . There are also consequences for illegal actions and abuses with the wrath of justice well established worldwide.

In the online world protecting oneself involves virus protection, hacking prevention, and managing your overall social media security. When I have to set a password, it needs to be something I can remember, but not something others can easily discover.

My laptop needs to always be up-to-date with the anti virus package, and every site I visit needs to be as safe as possible with security encryption software . Then of course the social media sites I log into regularly and input my information, such as Medium, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and my WordPress etc. should be reliably protected with safety features.

There is a lot to consider as we become more active on social media. Who has access and why matters. Banks and financial institutions, online shopping sites and online education programs are all susceptible to online criminals or mischief makers. I’m not trying to scare you, just hoping to make you more aware that with speed, and comfort online there is both good and evil to consider!

Hacking as a literal meaning is cutting and getting deep into something to its core so that you can affect its dna. Can you recall when the world discovered Yahoo was hacked? Do you recall having to change your password on everything you ever shared via that site?

What about a few years ago when LinkedIn was hacked? Do you recall the messages received asking you to change passwords etc. When these things happened I started to take my online security seriously.

Personal protection — online stalking

One of the scariest aspects of evil online is stalking. Its not just creepy, its an invasion of your personal space, and can escalate and manifest into your real world. Do you remember the Kim Kardashian robbery? What about the instances when you had unwanted attention online by spammers gaining access to you online accounts and sending unrequested mail. Yes, the social media experience can become scary at times.

Sometimes we can be played with the information we put out there and that “old school friend” might be a troll or someone with a hidden agenda. Sometimes self censorship is necessary. If you’re travelling out of town for a vacation, might be safer to not let everyone know your home is empty for a few weeks!

Generally most folks are trusting with friends online, the problem may not be with friends, but the friends of friends or online information sweepers.

Don’t freak out on me now — I’m just thinking and sharing some things we should all consider while we interact online!

Do you think social media makes it easier for terrorists to do their evil deeds worldwide?

That is a question I’m pondering. There are many benefits to using social media, and sometimes ‘the bad guys’ use it to harm others. Is it possible to unmask and stop these online felons of mass destruction, using social media channels for entrapment? Who is responsible for policing social media and the internet?

Recently as I listened to Teresa May — Prime Minister for the UK speak after another terrorists attack on her homeland. It dawned on me that we take our social network activities for granted. While many of us are innocently enjoying our online communication activities, there are others plotting a more sinister and destructive mission.

I’ve also been reading the numerous tweets from world leaders online, and the impact of the emerging ‘tweeting language’ used to share policies and emotions. We never cringe when positive news and information are shared, however when language denigrates many times lines are crossed.

Social media is coming of age and both good and evil have a platform in real time.

Can we consider terrorists to be limited to jihadists groups or should we look at a literal meaning of terrorism for greater enlightenment?

According to Merriam- Webster online ;

Terrorism is “ the systematic use of terror especially as a means or coercion”

The Free Dictionary online states;

A terrorist is “ a person who employs terror or terrorism, especially as a political weapon.”

From a general standpoint it seems we should be careful when persons in power use terror tactics. The devil you know may not be as dangerous as the devil you don’t look at as a devil!

What do you do when your safe online haven seems threatened?

Well, there are many types of software available to block ‘the Trojans' and quarantine infected files/ applications. There are also user guides on most social media sites advising on how to report or block nuisance makers. These tools are all quite basic and need updating regularly — in my opinion.

I’m not too bright in this area, so when I get attacked its like a bomb dropping on my home — and I go crazy trying to delete. Even the delete can be affected. That’s when I call in my A Team ( my sons who are appropriately named Andrew & Aaron)! Quite seriously though it is important for everyone using the ‘world wide web’ to understand it’s not all about what you do to keep safe. Its about understanding that cyber security goes beyond a hack or bug on your computer!

We are now living in parallel worlds and ignorance will not keep you relatively safe — awareness and information are key to your personal online security.

It is a different reality to understand, and there is good and bad/ evil to be ready for. These are my thoughts and questions to provoke thinking and a desire to review your own online security. Will look at security options available in another post!

Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts to these questions asked above. There is a ‘heart’ which changes color when you click to show you like my words — pretty cool stuff!

About me: I’m a corporate business veteran, with practical experience in a diverse range of industries- Safety/HVAC/FMCG/Industrial Equipment and much more. Sales, Marketing, Business Development and Coaching are combined to deliver over 30 years experience. As an entrepreneur and blogger (dwordslayer) I’m living an adventure, and looking forward to the next opportunity to challenge mediocrity.

Credits: Images —

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Marketing And Growth Hacking

I'm a business development marketing entrepreneur & Dwordslayer — I love different cultures,people and words. My Best brand I own — Me!