The #1 Secret Why Influencer Marketing And Feel Good Marketing Together Are The Holy Grail

Sjors Goemans
Marketing And Growth Hacking
6 min readNov 28, 2017

Since 2015 influencer marketing is rising in popularity and that is not strange if you see the results it has given brands and companies.

Influencer marketing is certainly not new but it’s recognized by Forbes as one of the strongest marketing out there at this moment. The reason why influencer marketing works so well is because of the attention it grabs in a landscape of spammy online advertising.

Everywhere around you there are more and more people who use the power of influencer marketing to grab the attention of their potential customers on social media.

To give you an example of the increasing advertisement I will highlight one of the updates Facebook have done in the last year.

As most of you know Facebook was intended to be a social media platform with few ads. Mark Zuckerburg created Facebook to connect the world in a more efficient and personal way.

But something has changed. In 2016 Facebook advertisement started to leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence and Data mining.

By using these new innovative techniques they can now see how old followers are and where they come from, but also indicate what people are intended to do in the upcoming weeks or months.

So without going too far into detail… Facebook got a lot more interested because brands could “laser target” their customers.

This resulted in an ad overload. Which simply put means that all advertisements are getting utilized.

Facebook increased the advertisements of his Feed from 2 advertisement every 25 posts to 1 message every 5 posts.

As 6 months went by and seeing these ads every single day, day in and day out, we started to be immune to them.

Without doing it on purpose are brains recognize the ads because they use the same techniques over and over again.

Facebook ads still work great, but the biggest problem with online advertising is that only recognized brands will get attention if their message is good enough.

The Power of Influencer marketing

That is where influencer marketing joins the party.

People who follow the influencer are “fans” of the content they publish and have bonded with the influencer over a longer period of time to the continuous content the influencer created over time.

This is content people really would like to see and even are searching for.

I always use the example of Nikki Tutorials. My girlfriend adores here as she is a pure artist in the make up industry. To be honest even I like it how skilled she is with make up.

So after Nikki got around several millions of followers brands started hiring her to promote their make up brands. You probably can guess the impact it had on those brands.

In my guess, Nikki received at least €10.000,- for each post. And brands are still paying here to keep promoting. I don’t have to explain to you why they keep paying here this much (because the results were amazing….).

To make influencer marketing more visual I will show you the campaign of Daniel Wellington.

The Daniel Wellington Campaign

While there’s nothing particularly innovative about this example, I feel it’s worth including simply to show the scale of impact that influencers can generate.

Daniel Wellington is a watch brand that has chosen to completely bypass traditional marketing to focus on influencers. The brand pays celebrities for sponsored posts and gifts watches to lesser-known micro-influencers. In exchange, they post photos of themselves wearing the watch, accompanied by a unique money-off code for followers.

It’s a simple formula: beautiful images of minimalistic jewelry, which serve to promote a lifestyle as well as a product. There are over 1.3m Instagram posts using the #danielwellington hashtag, with the brand’s main account amassing over 3.2m followers. Considering the brand’s beginnings as a small start-up — it’s an impressive display of the strategy’s potential.

So you are probably wondering what this has to do with “Feel-Good-Marketing”, right?

Let me explain.

Feel Good Marketing

Feel good marketing basically is marketing that stimulates a good feeling if you engage with a brand or buy their products.

“Feed your customer their need to feel better”

And not only because their products are great for the environment. But the main reason why people are responding to feel good marketing is because this type of marketing is not selling something at the first moment of contact.

Feel Good Marketing provides value to its audience by really indicating the problem and sending relevant information to solve the problem.

So the combination of stimulating the “Feel Good” and truly caring about the problems of potential customers is the best way to describe it.

The moment customers encounter this marketing, emotions are flooding their system.


When a potential customer comes across the marketing material, their decision to buy is based on how they are feeling right at that moment. Therefore we need to scrutinize the ‘Feel Good Factor’ of the marketing output.

Customers no longer believe without question what companies say, and today they are looking for more from their purchases than mere ownership.

They need to believe that by choosing certain products and certain companies that their life will be improved in some way and that their personal value will be increased.

If you combine this with the unique ability of influencer marketing to grab attention and speak to people who already have bonded with the influencer the results will be immense.

It could be as easy as given 1 euro for every bought item to charity which will help to stop testing on rats for the improvement of better make up products.

If you really explain them what the euro will do, they will feel good about themselves and that is what most people stimulates in life. They create the urgency for themselves to always feel good.

We did a test campaign with one of our clients.

We did a campaign with and without the feel good method.

The feel good method resulted in:

  • 67% more engagement
  • 32% increase in purchases
  • 25% higher profit for the company

But the most impact it had was on the brand ambassadors it created. Around 0,05% of the people who say the post started to share the advertisement and truly started to recommend the brand over other brands as we think it resulted in a better “Feel Good”.

So the number #1 Secret is the fact that people respond to feel good and when you use the Attention Grabbing qualities of influencer marketing and the trust the influencer has established with their followers people will start to respond.

This multi dimensional campaign is easy to copy and I hope everything is clear to start using this technique yourself.

Tip: Use blog influencers as linkbuilding strategy to increase your SEO rankings.

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Sjors Goemans
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Influencer marketing expert - CEO Juulr. Trying to provide value to fellow entrepreneur and marketers.