The Link Between Customer Experience and Marketing

Jonathan C. Furman
Marketing And Growth Hacking
4 min readAug 21, 2017

When we discuss marketing in the context of its future, most of us tend to pick topics such as mobile, social, content, or big data. While these may play a core role in the future of marketing, there are some traditional tools that continue to hold significance.

In fact, it would be safe to say that these “traditional tools” will continue to impact marketing for ages to come. Customer experience is one of them. After all, things such as big data or mobile are leveraged to provide exactly that — an outstanding customer experience.

Business has always been about the customer — and today, every single aspect of a business is being restructured to adapt to a customer-focused framework. Despite this, some marketers still have a hard time turning their attention away from superficial metrics. This is one of the most common failures in the area of marketing. Not listening to the customer is the perfect recipe for disaster. Real success comes from how you treat customers. Customers aren’t influenced by your message anymore. They want value for their investment.

Here are a few reasons why marketers of the future need to take customer experience seriously.

Customers Want Your Brand to Provide Them with an Outstanding Experience

Right from the point of sale to support, a customer’s perception of a brand is determined by the experience they go through. A perfect example of such a brand is Apple. Customers are loyal to Apple products despite the high pricing. This is because Apple is a brand that values its customers and so, customers are okay with paying a premium for the top-notch customer experience and service.

This is why most of us have a favorite brand in the first place!

Customers Have High Expectations

Today’s customer has more expectations than ever. According to research, fixing one poor experience takes about 12 subsequent positive experiences. Unfortunately, customers don’t have that kind of time. So, one poor experience is enough to destroy your reputation with that particular customer.

Making things worse is the fact that today’s technology allows customers to discuss their poor experience with large groups. All it takes is one post on Facebook or a tweet on Twitter for the word to reach thousands, if not, even millions. In fact; a recent study found that customers are more likely to discuss their negative shopping experiences than their positive ones.

But, there’s something that’s worse than a negative customer experience — an average one. That’s an experience the customer is bound to forget, which means, they’re never going to bring it up in a conversation. That is why, always make sure a positive customer experience is something that your brand is dedicated to. In the internet era, a mistake cannot be erased.

Customers want their experience to be personalized when dealing with a brand. So, it’s critical that your business connects with them on a deeper level than what it’s used to. Aim to go beyond just making a sale. Try to create a relationship. That’s the only way you’ll have them coming back.

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Jonathan C. Furman
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Jonathan is Founder and CEO of Furman Transformation LLC, a "Growth Agency" catering specifically to the Technology Sector.