Hephzy Asaolu
Marketing And Growth Hacking
7 min readJun 15, 2017


The Little-Known Secret of Creating content that Will Have Customers Raving About Your business For Life

Source: Pexels.com

You dream of building a great business empire.

A business that customers will rave about

A business that will make you a success in your niche

You thought of using content marketing as a channel to get you there.

After all, it is cheaper and more sustainable than any other forms of marketing online.

But you know the chances of getting your customers to rave about your business are very slim. Unless you create content that will engage them and keep them interested in your business for a long time.

Sure, you get occasional engagement with your content. But it is not like people are raving about your business, or eager to share your content.

You want much more!

Actually, this problem is not peculiar to you.

60% of B2B content marketers are facing the same problem — creating engaging content.

The big question is, what kind of content will generate the type of actions you want from your customers?

It is a little-known secret.

Can you keep a secret?

Because I wouldn’t want your competitors to copy you

The secret is creating content that solves your customer’s pain points.

A content that will make your customers rave about your business needs to solve a need, a problem, a desire, a challenge etc.

Your content should not be about you or your business. It is all about your customer.

Revolve your world around the customer and more customers will revolve around you — Heather Williams.

The truth is, the reason why you are in business is to solve your customers’ pain points.

Everyone is going through one pain or the other and they are looking for ways to relieve it. That is why they show interest in your product or service.

It is your job as a marketer to address your customer pain points, empathize with their situation and provide solutions to it.

Let’s pause here and look at a good example.

Kirk Drake the owner of Ongoing Operations — a business that deals in backup cloud computing services for the credit union industry, attended a content marketing conference where he learned that creating content that solves customer’s problems can increase leads and customers.

He decided to work on it. Together with a staff of 12 employees, they went through the daily questions they receive from their customers. He then turned the questions into titles for his blog posts.

He assigned the articles to his employees to write the answers to each question over a 3- day period. At the end of the exercise, they got over a hundred blog posts.

Let’s see a sample from his website:

You can see from the content that the title is in form of a question and the post answered it.

Now, let’s look at the result he got.

Within six months, his leads increased. Before the exercise, he was averaging 1–2 leads per month. But after six months, he started getting 1 lead per day.

Financial ROI?

Of course, he made between $500,000 and $1,000,000 in the first year.

The company went from serving a handful of local organizations to over 500 customers nationwide.

Did I mention that the niche is classified as a “boring” niche? It is not the most inspiring niche to create content for. But he did it anyway and generated great results.

Now, the first question is…

How do you know your customer’s pain points?

Before you can create content that addresses your customer’s pain points, you must know the pains your customers have and the particular pain that your business addresses.

A survey of corporate executives carried out by Econsultancy revealed that to know a customer’s pain point, companies employs 11 different techniques as shown in the chart below:

You could use digital analytics such as Google analytics, online surveys, online feedback forms, offline surveys and other tools etc.

You can also use keyword research tools, if you don’t have data on your audience yet.

You can rest assured that your customers will be willing to answer all your questions. Marketingland survey revealed that 99% of consumers are willing to share information with companies, as long as they ask for permission first.

So, once you get the pain points ready, you need to create content around it.

Let’s use an example here.

For instance, if you have a business that produces acne drugs, you can use any of the methods above if you have a customer base already. But if you don’t, you can start by using answerthepublic to get to know your potential customers’ pain points.

It is a research tool that tells you questions your potential customers are asking.

Start by typing in your keyword. I typed in Acne and got 153 questions people are asking about acne. That means you already have 153 topics to create content on. The questions bother on Why, How, When, Which, Who, What, Where, such as:

Why acne on back

How acne affects my life

Where acne came from

Which acne treatment is dangerous?

Who treats acne?

What acne medicine is right for me? Etc.

Now, you have the questions i.e. your customer’s pain point, the next question is how to create the content?

You need to create different forms of content, such as blog posts, video content, webinars, white papers, e-books, infographic, etc, to help solve your audience problems and also lead them through the sales funnel.

Start with the research. Read quality content from experts in your niche. Gather facts, quotes, statistics and research to use in the content.

Then create your headline

The fact that you know your customer’s pain point does not mean they will read your content. It is the beginning of the process.

Here, you will create headline based on the questions you gathered.

According to Copyblogger “8 out of 10 people will read the headline, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest”. That is why you will need to spend ample time here to get it right.

I learned the headline formula hack below from a great copywriter — Danavir Sarria.

Interest = benefit + curiosity

You start with the benefit of what your readers will gain from reading your post. Then you move on to use curiosity to peak their interest.

For instance, using the acne questions above, you could write something like these:

7 little-known reasons why you have acne on your back (and how to get rid of it)

Acne treatment: Are they really dangerous?

7 ways acne can affect your life forever (except you do something about it)

Who treats acne: Dermatologist Vs Esthetician

Now, you have catchy headlines in place.

The next thing is the introduction.

Even though you have high click through rate on your headline, getting the introduction wrong will give you a high bounce rate. Write an interesting introduction that will lead your audience into the content.

When creating the body of your content, ensure that you have facts, quotes, research, and statistics ready to spice it up.

Also use visuals as much as possible. They enhance the beauty of the content and help your readers to understand more about what you are saying.

Conclude the content powerfully with a call to action. This will enable your audience to take the required action.


Using your customer’s pain points to create original content will not only solve their problems and make them raving fans of your business; your content will also rank in Google search engines. When it ranked on search engines, you can expect more visits to your online or offline store.

A study by Google, Ipsos MediaCT, and Sterling Brands reported that 3 out of 4 people are more likely to visit local stores after finding them in search results.

So, what are you waiting for, start creating content that solves your customer’s pain points today!



Hephzy Asaolu
Marketing And Growth Hacking

I am a professional content writer and blogger for b2b businesses/ companies. I create inspiring and engaging content.