Jamie Doershuck is a marketing consultant at The Doer Co who helps 6 and 7 figure businesses optimize their conversion rates. You can work with her here.

The Market Isn’t Wrong

Your Idea Doesn’t Matter — Impact Does

Jamie @ The Doer Co.
Marketing And Growth Hacking
4 min readFeb 12, 2019


All the marketing in the world can’t change the fact that something sucks.

You might be able to sell it… But at the end of it all, you won’t trick a single person into feeling like they got value when they didn’t.

Your Idea Doesn’t Matter

No matter how much you personally like something — your own product, the way your website looks, a specific strategy — if other people don’t get value out of it, they are not the ones who are wrong.

You can’t create something genuinely valuable locked alone in your basement.

Creating something great is collaborative. That means testing it, showing it to people, and adding their feedback to your idea to make it stronger.

“What advice do you have for how I could make it fit your worldview more closely?”

From This is Marketing by Seth Godin

Impact = value

This is why spoofing vanity metrics with bots ultimately doesn’t amount to anything.

You can have a million fake likes, retweets, and page views — unless you’ve made an impact on a real human you haven’t taken a single step past square 1.

The only metric that matters is impact.

Free content is a product too

Just because you’re giving away a content optin (ebook, podcast, articles, course) for free doesn’t mean the process is different.

Your product always needs to be valuable, even when it’s free.

That doesn’t mean you have to give away only “information”.

Your content can be heavily story based and still add valuable — but a story just for its own sake doesn’t inherently add anything.

When you’re creating, have a clear goal in mind for what someone should learn from the experience.

The client is always right… Most of the time

Creative services is also collaborative.

The client is an expert in their market, so their opinions on the execution of your services is always important.

If they don’t like something, they’re not wrong. You either have to incorporate their feedback or challenge their idea.

This is the nature of services, and the way collaboration goes.

The client is always right… As long as you both agree about 1 thing: Impact.

Challenge their idea, test both solutions if you can’t come to an agreement, but at the end of the day you both need to be willing to accept the most effective solution and move forward with it.

Try to make an impact

When you’re making a product, don’t do it for your own ego.

Your business is a product.

Your content optins are a product.

Your services are a product.

Your product is a product.

Don’t do it for yourself, do it for the impact.

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Jamie Doershuck is a marketing consultant at The Doer Co who helps 6 and 7 figure businesses optimize their conversion rates. You can work with her here.

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Jamie @ The Doer Co.
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Clear, actionable strategies to grow your business. Want to work together? Get a quote jamie@the-doerco.com