The Ultimate Checklist to Write Cold Emails That Get Responses

Angelo Sorbello
Marketing And Growth Hacking
2 min readNov 16, 2017

Yet another cold email ignored? 🤔

Before of writing your next one, don’t forget about these 8 points

1. Make it about them, not about you

2. The more personalized, the better.

Did you attend the same University? Is it raining in the city of your prospect?

Tell hem to grab their umbrella this morning ☂️

3. The longer the email is, the lower the response rate will be

4. Write it like you’re writing to a friend, use a conversational style

5. Don’t ask for the world immediately.

Qualify your leads merely asking: Would it be interesting for you? Or something similar

Don’t ask immediately for the call, or even worse, for sale

Also, the CTA should be clear. Are you contacting a new potential mentor?

Write “Would you mind meeting up for 10-minutes? I’m free on Friday at X and on Thursday at every time”

6. Make use of a tool to optimize your process. From my experience, the best are Quickmail and Mailshake

7. Always follow-up. Don’t be shy. Your prospects could have been busy when you sent your initial email

Don’t be ruthless, even forwarding the 1st email and add “In case you missed my email last week” it’s enough

But a general rule is, if they ignored your first 3 emails, they would ignore your first 5. So send 7 :-D

8. Add humor if you can. Jon Buchan teaches :-D

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