Under the Radar: 5 French Marketing Technologies for E-Commerce

Marketing And Growth Hacking
4 min readApr 11, 2016


Did you know that over 100 people visiting a website, only 1 or 2 actually order something? That’s why Jonathan Cherki decided to create ContentSquare in 2009. The conversion tracker technology empowers marketing teams to boost their website’s conversions by understanding why someone buys, when and at which step of his customer journey.

When websites’ content adapts to each visitor

Now how does it work? ContentSquare has developed an algorithm, all marketers have to do is add a little bit of html into the site’s code so the technology can track every move a visitor makes, change the site content, reorganize it to better answer each visitor’s needs and measure actions effectivenss. Learn more on http://www.contentsquare.com


Today, mobile drives 30 to 40% of websites traffic but conversion rates keep being way lower on mobile than on desktop though. There are many explanations to that: pages loading time, non-responsive websites, too long purchase tunnel, etc. So last year Olivier Cotinat and Nicolas Baudran decided to revolutionize digital commerce and launched TapBuy.

When online purchases gets ridiculously simple

The team behind TapBuy believes shopping online should not be a struggle so they developed a direct checkout technology that makes products buyable on mobile from any source: ads, apps, social networks, emails, you name it. So now customers can not only order on mobile in one click, but also stay on the page they were browsing when doing so. Learn more on www.tapbuy.io

AB Tasty

In 2011, no simple, effective and affordable tools existed to implement tests on websites and to improve conversion rates, so Alix de Sagazan and Rémi Aubert founded AB Tasty. The technology simplifies access to new methods of automating conversion optimisation and give brands access to custom marketing messages.

When predictive is no longer data scientists privilege

AB Tasty is a SaaS product that facilitates data-driven decisions through A/B and multivariate testing on websites, mobile sites and applications. The technology helps marketing teams to engage users with predictive marketing, on-site remarketing, but also web content and user-experience personalization. Learn more on www.abtasty.com


Ubiquity is a major challenge for brands today, no matter when or where customers are, they expect brands to be available to answer their questions at all times. So in 2010 Julien Hervouet and Jonathan Gueron created iAdvize to allow brands to have two-way conversations with customers in real-time and at any step of the customer journey.

When messaging is at the heart of online shopping

iAdvize is a real-time customer care platform that enables brands to detect conversation opportunities on their websites and applications, but also on third party channels — such as social networks or messaging applications. It empowers businesses to manage all their real-time contacts, to raise customer satisfaction, and to influence conversion rates. www.iadvize.com


Reelevant (disclaimer: it’s us!) is the mass mailing killer that was launched by Vincent Martinet in January 2016 to change the way brands communicate via email. With customers hyperconnected and always on the move, email marketers cannot keep sending them frozen content that is most likely to be irrelevant and/or outdated by the time the email is opened.

When each email’s content adapts in real-time

Reelevant is the email intelligence technology that adapts emails content in real-time based on contextual (location, weather, device, etc.) and external data (website, CRM, API, etc). It empowers brands to always send up-to-date and personalized content. It works with any ESP, there’s just some html to add into the email’s template. Learn more on https://www.reelevant.com



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