What we use in Maps.me to keep ears open

Alexander Bobko
Marketing And Growth Hacking
4 min readAug 31, 2018

A few months ago Maps.me reached 100M downloads. This is a huge number considering we have users in each country of the world and translated into 28 languages. One of the most challenging things here is to understand what really happens to your product. Here I’ll try to describe how we track the performance and our key numbers.


Let’s start with the first one — analytics. We use a few different systems:

Flurry — we use it for years to aggregate data for major numbers like MAU, DAU, WAU, Retention Rate. It’s quite convenient to track general events both in online and offline (30 days) which is important for us as we are“offline maps”. Flurry is a little bit “old dated” tool but it keeps huge history data for the product.

Appsflyer, 1Link (internal system) — these two systems are used to attribute traffic channels. Appsflyer handles facebook ads attribution in our case and sends data further in 1link (Facebook allows it’s attribution only for particular partners and appsflyer is one of them).

1link is a unified storage for us to track and compare all traffic sources.

We also have our own system called alohalytics — it calculates raw data and helps us create quite flexible reports in any cut.

Facebook analytics is used for marketing and sales managers for quick reports and demographic data overview.

Dashboards and Data Visualization

As we have lots of systems and data sources we use various dashboards to visualize and get this data in one place. We searched for various solutions and chose quite a simple one — Google Spreadsheets. As a marketing team, we use them quite tight in our work as this is the number one tool for a true marketing manager :)

As a result we have — Flurry API + Facebook API + 1link API + Parner cabinets API + Google Analytics API +Google Spreadsheet API=Data Visualization

(Numbers are not real, just for an example)

It’s quite effective as you can give access to these dashboards to specific people and watch them even if you’re not in the office. This is just one of them, we have around 10 different dashboards for the most important numbers and charts— revenue, active users, downloads, numbers of UGC etc.


One of the most underappreciated method is surveys. There’re lots of questions product teams have and why not to ask your own users. Here we use 2 main tools — Push notification system and surveymonkey.com. Push notification system is used to send a correct link and considers user’s language (Maps.me has 28 right now), all the questions are in surveymonkey. It’s a multilanguage system, which lets us make surveys in all languages and make analytics after that.

After the survey is done and the data is gathered we download it in csv and analyze. By default you can do reports by regions.

We’ve already made such surveys as:

  • How users plan their travel;
  • Car navigation in Maps.me — pros and cons;
  • A portrait of our traveller;
  • Monetisation (what do users think about different ways of them);

The data from these surveys has been used in feature prioritisation and product plans.

Users feedback

Every day we get hundreds of requests from users. For this case, we have a support team which has an organized workflow. They categorize each request by special tags so the product team could understand which are the most popular cases. Every month we look at these reports:

We look at ton 10 tags especially compare them for each new app release to understand whether we’ve solved users’ problem or not.

These’re the tools we use as a marketing department I haven’t included tools of our developers . In this article I want to show there’e lots of ways to analyze what’s going on with your product and it’s cool if you can use as many of them as possible.

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Alexander Bobko
Marketing And Growth Hacking

Marketing and Growth at great B2B and B2C products (Maps.me, Borzo) | Head of Marketing at Filmustage - AI-driven SaaS platform for filmmakers