Why You Should Learn Facebook Advertising

The Most Underpriced Mode of Advertising Today

Nicole Policarpio
Marketing And Growth Hacking
4 min readJul 27, 2018


Before I quit my day job last year, I was the head of operations for a real estate development company. This was a diversification of portfolio for our construction family business. Apart from the daily construction and design, I dipped my toes into marketing.

That was my first foray into marketing, advertising and sales. I won’t call myself a marketer cause I don’t have the chops to be one. We hired a competent real estate agent and a young marketer, to guide us through.

Our campaigns were old school — radio, television, road banners and in person giving away of flyers. It was easy, you pay money, and you get attention. That’s the premise of advertising right?

We hired a publicist, and she wrote us a couple of spiels that I used in radio interviews. We were also offered a spot in local television, but forty minutes of chit chat was just too much for my introversion.

All this old school marketing garnered only a handful leads that would turn into sales. The bulk of our closing leads always came from referrals of homeowners.

This all changed when a digital marketing agency offered to help us advertise through Facebook. We paid them an equivalent of one radio spot. That amount got us one month of Facebook advertising, and it gave us hundreds of leads that closed into sales.

This was the cheapest mode of advertising we got, and it was effective.

If we bothered to understand the intricacies of the platform, we could’ve saved more money with their service fee.

I am now building an online business, and we all know how hard it is to get attention online. You can either go to Instagram influencers, Google Ads, YouTube Ads, or Facebook Ads to promote your product or service.

Whatever type of business you have, Facebook ads have massive value to offer. Do you have a local cafe? You can target your specific demographic in your vicinity. Do you have an app? You can promote app installs. Do you have a construction firm looking to hire the best project managers in your locale? They can help you with that.

If you have a prototype of your invention or a mockup, you can start testing for interest from consumers. This will save you time, effort, and money in developing it.

Everyone is on Facebook and Instagram. I used to think that it was a dead platform but I still use it every day to connect with family and friends. I don’t use it to promote my personal work, but I may have to start posting content there now that I know how to wield their advertising.

Trust me, it’s not as expensive as you think. Those of you who lost a thousand dollars running campaigns and don’t have anything to show, are doing it wrong. Facebook is entrepreneur friendly, and they make sure you spend well within your working budget. They give you the freedom to stop a campaign if it’s not performing well. You only pay big money once you see that your advertisement is resonating well and you’re ad spending is returning profit.

Will write specifics on how to use Facebook advertising if anyone is interested. Let me know.

Talk to you soon my friend.

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