Organic Growth is like watering a plant

Satvik Jagannath
Marketing 360
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2023
Organic Growth

I’ll be straight with you — I’ve been through the grind of starting up a business. I’ve felt the highs of signing that first big deal, and the lows of the nights when I’ve sat on my couch, head in hands, wondering if all this was worth it. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned in this wild ride of entrepreneurship, it’s this: organic growth is paramount. Think of it like tending to a delicate plant. Too little attention and it wilts; too much, and it’s overwhelmed.

Ever heard of the saying, “Too much of a good thing?” Well, I’ve been there, done that. Drowning my startup in aggressive marketing tactics, pouring in money like there’s no tomorrow. But guess what? There always is a tomorrow. And that’s when reality hits — your bank account is empty, and your audience is indifferent. Why? Because I was trying to force growth rather than nurture it.

The Seed Keyword: Organic Growth

Organic growth is the heartbeat of a thriving startup. It’s the natural progression, the ebb and flow of a business finding its feet, its voice, its tribe. It’s not about quick hacks or overnight virality. It’s about fostering genuine connections, establishing trust, and building on it, day by day.

Organic growth is like watering a plant: you want to nourish it, not drown it or starve in the drought.
Satvik Jagannath

Steve Jobs once remarked, “If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” This quote resonates deeply with me. In the rush to hit that golden number, I’d forgotten that real success is built brick by brick. Jobs didn’t mean that we should wait passively. Instead, it’s about working diligently, patiently, and embracing the journey of gradual growth.

If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.
- Steve Jobs

How Do You Nourish Organic Growth?

  • Listen to Your Audience: Before making any big decisions, ask yourself: What does my audience want? Engage with them, get feedback. Remember, they’re the soil to your plant.
  • Consistent Branding: Like watering a plant consistently, ensure your branding is consistent across platforms. Familiarity breeds trust.
  • Leverage Tools Smartly: Tools like aren’t just about translation; they’re about accessibility, about reaching out and embracing a global audience.
  • Share Personal Stories: There’s a reason you’re reading about my experiences. They resonate, they’re relatable. Share your journey with your audience; they’re more likely to walk with you.

But What About The Challenges?

Of course, the path of organic growth isn’t devoid of challenges. I’ve had my fair share of doubters. People who’d laugh and ask, “Why not take the fast track?”

But, remember this: Slow growth isn’t stagnant growth. It’s sustainable growth. And in the long run, that’s what matters. It’s like what the famed Aesop’s fable teaches us — it’s not about being the fastest; it’s about being steady, and persistent.

My Own Brush with Impatience

A couple of years back, I introduced a nifty feature to my product. Excited, I poured in a hefty sum into promoting it. Billboards, ads, the whole shebang. The initial spike in traffic was impressive, but then, the tumbleweeds. My audience wasn’t engaged; they hadn’t grown with me. The connection was missing. The feature, while solid, wasn’t what they needed. I’d drowned my plant, and now it was wilting.

Contrast that with my experience using I had a video explainer for my product — crisp, concise, but English-only. A friend mentioned, a tool for translating videos to over 75 languages. Skeptical but intrigued, I gave it a shot. Instead of splurging on a vast promotional campaign, I simply translated my video into a few targeted languages. The response was nothing short of heartwarming. Messages poured in from non-English speaking countries, thanking me for making the content accessible. The growth was slower, yes, but it was organic, and genuine.

Engaging Your Tribe

Now, speaking to you — think of your startup, your project, your “plant.” Are you nourishing it or are you at risk of drowning it? Are you genuinely engaging with your tribe or chasing faceless numbers?

Remember, in this digital age, authenticity stands out. It shines. The internet is teeming with flashy gimmicks, but genuine connections? Those are rare. Cherish them, nurture them.

And who knows? Your startup might just blossom into the most vibrant plant in the garden. 🌱



Satvik Jagannath
Marketing 360

Entrepreneur. Passionate about Building Products. I believe that Technology can change lives for the better, if used in the right way.