The Content World in 2024 Will Look Nothing Like Today. Are You Ready?

Satvik Jagannath
Marketing 360
Published in
4 min readNov 18, 2023
Are you ready for marketing in 2024?

Content is the lifeblood of marketing. But keeping up with rapid changes in formats, platforms, and consumer preferences is extremely challenging. As we head into 2024, a wave of emerging content trends will disrupt tried-and-true approaches.

As the founder of a video production startup, I’m always researching and testing new styles of content to connect with audiences. Based on the shifts I’m seeing, here are 10 key trends that will define marketing content in 2024:

1. Short-Form Video Will Dominate

We have rapidly shrinking attention spans online. That’s why short-form video under 60 seconds will explode in popularity across platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts.

Brands will increasingly experiment with bite-sized videos that educate and entertain audiences. The most compelling short-form videos will win big in the battle for engagement and conversion.

2. Interactive and Shoppable Content

Passively watching content is on the way out. Interactive content like questionnaires, assessments, configurators, and shopping integrations will allow audiences to actively engage rather than just view.

The brands winning mindshare in 2024 will make their content shoppable thanks to digital integration. Convert readers into customers instantly through embedded ecommerce capabilities.

3. Ephemeral Content

Ephemerality will rise in popularity as people crave more candid, in-the-moment content. Look for more brands embracing Stories and live video that disappear after 24 hours like Snapchat and Instagram Stories.

The raw, unproduced nature of ephemeral content helps forge authentic connections with audiences. Don’t fear impermanence — lean into it.

4. User-Generated Content

User-generated content from customers carries so much more weight than brand-produced material. Expect UGC to be integrated directly into campaigns through re-sharing.

The Smarter Brands of 2024 will also actively encourage audiences to create their own content interacting with products and services. You lose control, but gain authenticity.

5. Personalized Journeys

With mountains of data, brands will tailor content experiences to individual interests and behaviors. Personalized journeys via account-based experiences will feel like 1:1 conversations.

Segment your audiences and serve them exactly what they want through personalized content. Generic content blasts will fade away as custom experiences rise.

6. AI-Generated Content

Advances in AI will allow computers to generate large volumes of original articles, social posts, basic video and more.Expect synthetic but remarkably human-like content as AI improves.

This AI-assisted content will help brands rapidly produce at scale to feed the content beast. However, quality control will remain a concern through 2024 and beyond. Tread carefully.

7. Augmented Reality (AR)

AR overlays digital elements onto the real world via smartphones and headsets. More immersive AR try-ons, demos and experiences will allow brands like mine to engage audiences.

For example, an AR tour of a suite allows potential hotel guests to experience it virtually at their convenience. The more creative the AR experience, the greater the engagement.

8. Educational Focus

In 2024, leading brands will realize content that actually teaches audiences valuable skills generates far greater ROI than promotional fluff.

Look for more genuinely educational content like how-to videos, insightful blogs, and useful guides that build trust while addressing buyers’ pain points. Teach, don’t preach.

9. Community-Building

Brands will increasingly leverage content to foster engaged communities around shared interests and values. User forums, influencer collaborations, and interactive experiences build loyal followings.

Devoted communities not only share content, but become powerful brand advocates. Relationships and belonging will beat pushy sales pitches.

10. Multimedia Hybrid Content

The most compelling content will blend multimedia formats into engaging hybrid pieces. Expect to see more brands combining video, images, animation, text and data visualization.

Hybrid content holds attention by delivering information across multiple channels tailored to diverse audience preferences. Take advantage of multimedia variety.

Keeping pace with changes in content formats, platforms and consumer expectations will remain an immense challenge for marketers. But brands that lead the adoption of trends like short-form video, personalization and AR will gain big advantages.

As creators, we must stay agile, constantly test new approaches and tools, and never stop learning. While challenging, adapting to the pace of change ultimately rewards us with better connections and results. Does thinking about these trends excite you or stress you out? How will you apply any of these ideas to your own content strategy? Let me know the 2024 content trends resonating with you most in the comments!



Satvik Jagannath
Marketing 360

Entrepreneur. Passionate about Building Products. I believe that Technology can change lives for the better, if used in the right way.