The Secret Weapon to Global Marketing I Wish I Knew Earlier

Satvik Jagannath
Marketing 360
Published in
4 min readNov 3, 2023
Secret Weapon to Global Marketing

Hey there! I’m a startup founder, just like you, navigating through the rollercoaster world of entrepreneurship. Let’s talk about a challenge we all face: capturing and retaining a diverse, global audience. It’s like trying to catch every single raindrop in a thunderstorm — daunting, but not impossible.

I remember sitting in my tiny office (well, let’s be honest, it was my kitchen), wondering how to stretch every dollar. Every decision felt like it might make or break my dream. Can you relate? Let’s dive into why scaling your startup and penetrating global markets isn’t just a good idea; it’s a necessity, especially through content translation.

Why Your Start-Up Can’t Afford to Stop Marketing by Translating Content to Reach a Global Audience

Imagine this: your startup has just created a revolutionary product. But there’s a catch — if only people in your immediate geographical location know about it, are you really making the impact you dreamed of? No, right? The world is a mosaic of cultures and languages, and to tap into its vast potential, you’ve got to speak their language — literally.

A Global Reach Means a Wider Impact
Think about it. When you translate your content, you’re not just converting words; you’re sharing your brand’s story, ethos, and values across cultural and linguistic barriers. It’s like throwing a pebble into a pond and watching the ripples reach far and wide. I experienced this first-hand when I expanded my marketing efforts to include various languages. It wasn’t just about boosting sales (though that certainly happened); it was about connecting with people on a deeper level.

Translating Content Isn’t Just About Language
It’s about cultural nuances, too. When I first dabbled in translation, I thought it was as straightforward as Google Translate. Boy, was I wrong! Languages are not just about words but about context, humor, idioms, and so much more. For instance, a joke that makes us chuckle in English might be a total flop in Japanese. So, getting professional help or using adept tools like — which translates videos into 75+ languages — becomes crucial. It’s not just about translating; it’s about localizing and making content relatable.

Using — A Personal Anecdote
Let me tell you about my “Aha!” moment with We had this fantastic product demo video, but it was in English. I realised we have our own product, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer. Not only was our video translated accurately into multiple languages, but the tool also nailed the cultural nuances. The result? An uptick in engagement from regions I hadn’t even considered as potential markets before.

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going,” said Rita Mae Brown. This quote resonated with me profoundly during this venture. By translating our content, we weren’t just selling a product; we were embedding ourselves in different cultures, learning and growing along the way.

Beyond Translation — The Art of Engagement
Engagement is key. You’re not just aiming for eyeballs on your content; you want hearts and minds. That’s where the art of storytelling and understanding local customs comes in. When I first translated our content for a Spanish-speaking audience, I learned that the direct translation of our call-to-action didn’t quite resonate. It needed that local flavor, a touch of colloquial warmth. That little tweak increased our click-through rates significantly.

Remember, while expanding globally, it’s not about you; it’s about your audience. How do you make them feel seen and understood? How do you convey that your product isn’t just another item on the shelf, but something that can make a real difference in their lives?

The Bottom Line — It’s About Connections
Marketing, at its core, is about creating connections — and what better way to connect than speaking someone’s language? It breaks down barriers and builds trust. And in today’s world, trust is the currency of business.

So, here’s my two cents: Don’t just translate; relate. Don’t just communicate; connect. And always, always aim for the heart. Because when you speak the language of the heart, borders don’t matter anymore.

Don’t just translate; relate. Don’t just communicate; connect.
- Satvik Jagannath

And remember, while tools like are powerful allies, they are just the beginning. The real magic happens when you weave empathy, understanding, and respect for cultural diversity into your global expansion story. That’s when your startup truly becomes a global phenomenon.

And there you have it, my journey and insights on why your startup can’t afford to stop marketing by translating content to reach a global audience. I hope my experiences and the little nuggets of wisdom I’ve gathered along the way can help you on your incredible journey. Here’s to breaking barriers and building bridges — one translation at a time!



Satvik Jagannath
Marketing 360

Entrepreneur. Passionate about Building Products. I believe that Technology can change lives for the better, if used in the right way.