It’s time for an adventure!

Click Here at Your Own Risk

Marketing + Advertising
3 min readMar 25, 2016


By Niclas Hulting

Content discovery is a major component of every healthy content marketing strategy. We love aggregating and sharing inspiring, industry-related content. In fact, we love it so much that we made a whole webinar solely about the process of content discovery. If that sort of stuff interests you, go ahead and check it out.

But I (self-promotionally) digress.

The reason we’re here is that I have a surprise for you. And who isn’t a fan of surprises? They keep us on our toes. They make us excited. They make us feel alive. Fear of the unknown both exhilarates and excites us, eliciting numerous hormonal reactions in our bodies. I am going to attempt to evoke a similar reaction by asking you to click on any of the links below. That’s right. I am daring you to click on a link. These are links to articles on content strategy, social media marketing, tools and resources, and content marketing topics that we found to be inspiring, educational, and informative.

But here’s the caveat: You won’t know what link goes to what story. Consider this learning roulette or a choose-your-own content experiment, if you will. Now you will be able to consume the same information that we’ve discovered, but it comes with an added level of excitement. (I probably should add some exclamation points to make my point, but I am afraid the copy editors will berate me.)

Come back to this page every day and click a new link. Fifty days, 50 links, 50 sources of information to consume. Are you up for the challenge?

Go ahead, click on a link. Get your learn on. But beware — some of these links are not informative or even helpful. They’re just here to keep you on your toes. We hope you enjoy your exhilarating learning!

  1. Click here
  2. Click here
  3. Click here
  4. Click here
  5. Click here
  6. Click here
  7. Click here
  8. Click here
  9. Click here
  10. Click here
  11. Click here
  12. Click here
  13. Click here
  14. Click here
  15. Click here
  16. Click here
  17. Click here
  18. Click here
  19. Click here
  20. Click here
  21. Click here
  22. Click here
  23. Click here
  24. Click here
  25. Click here
  26. Click here
  27. Click here
  28. Click here
  29. Click here
  30. Click here
  31. Click here
  32. Click here
  33. Click here
  34. Click here
  35. Click here
  36. Click here
  37. Click here
  38. Click here
  39. Click here
  40. Click here
  41. Click here
  42. Click here
  43. Click here
  44. Click here
  45. Click here
  46. Click here
  47. Click here
  48. Click here
  49. Click here
  50. Click here

Note 1. In no way, shape, or form would I ever condone the use of “Click here” as language for your links. As a matter of fact, each “Click here” above took a piece of my soul with it. A substantial piece.

Note 2. Full disclosure: This idea isn’t mine. Someone else originated the concept. I saw it on Funny Or Die a few months back. I would link to it but the content is too NSFW-ish, and I believe it’s somewhat inappropriate for this audience. So there you have it. Carry on.

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Marketing + Advertising

We build brands for the New American Middle. We make aspirational creative inspirational. And we do it all with Midwestern humility.