How AI Can Successfully Enhance Your ABM Campaigns

Raul Tiru
5 min readNov 26, 2022

9 elements to consider

These days, we’re swimming with data. You can keep track of critical details about your customers, which is precious. However, that sheer amount of data can be overwhelming to manage manually.

This is where AI comes in. AI processes data so much more quickly and accurately than humans. AI’s automation and pattern recognition create highly efficient campaigns that nurture buyers the whole sales cycle.

In this post, we’ll walk you through ways in which AI can help enhance your campaign’s effectiveness:

1. Identify core buyer personas

Personas represent your target audience segment used by marketing when creating a campaign. They can also be highly effective. The majority of companies use them to have a better understanding of their buyers. However, only if they’re based on real, quality data.

Usually, teams create personas based on customer reviews, market research, and past deals. However, issues can also build if you rely solely on human data entry. Thus, improving the quality and completeness of your data makes your personas stronger.

AI solutions analyze every contact involved in every deal in your CRM. That way, you’ll have more accurate data on who the deal breakers and decision makers are and how you can engage them.

2. Content personalization

An ad copy, email draft, content published on media channels, and on-site content can be too personalized if you use AI. You can deliver ABM best if you deliver highly personalized and customized content to the prospect or customer. This creates the complexity of providing what your audience is precisely looking for.

The element of natural language processing helps deliver content your target audience wants to hear and understand simultaneously. Check out great examples of abm marketing campaigns.

3. Predict account churn and improve customer service

Pairing AI and intent data in account-based marketing lets you monitor accounts. It also allows you to use every available feature to solve your customers’ pain points, especially when they release new features.

Keep in mind that customer retention is vital to ABM. AI tools with intent data allow you to see if there’s an existing account download a lead magnet of competitors and whether or not users spend a significant amount of time on their site.

4. Prevent fake leads from entering your system

Do you know B2B personalization strategies will fail by 2025, mostly from bad data? ABM tools that are AI-driven get rid of the problem by vetting contacts before entering your system.

Furthermore, AI smart forms will ask for your email and country, minus the unwanted questions. AI will fill in the details adequately based on public data sources.

5. Mapping trends and patterns for content

One of the most intriguing use cases of AI in ABM is predictive analysis. Imagine broader patterns you can uncover using behavioral data, intent data, and AI.

Find patterns from accounts and verticals to create better content on these new pain points or parts of the journey you’ve neglected.

6. Create trust and build relationships

AI is the key element that integrates relationship-building into marketing. With it, you can create stronger relationships between your brand and customers. It can also cater to a limitless number of rules ensuring that you’re getting the best personalization possible.

Human beings couldn’t process a large volume of rules. However, with artificial intelligence systems, you can.

7. Synchronization of sales and marketing teams

A highly synchronized sales and marketing team is one of the essential benefits of ABM. AI can help your business enhance this even more.

Your sales team can get activity and behavioral data from AI, which they could respond to on a case-to-case basis. This method gives you a better ROI than the usual smile and dialing strategy, which involves making unsolicited calls with prospective clients.

8. Tracking customer sentiments

Almost everybody is online because of social media these days. Social media has become an essential medium for brands to establish their online presence and build personal connections with new or existing customers.

AI helps marketers determine customer sentiments towards and brand and then target them accordingly with customized campaigns.

Social listening lets marketers track down comments and tweets relevant to the brand and product. It also lets you review customer sentiments targeting them with relevant ads and content.

Social listening plays the role of a feedback form that you never asked customers to fill out. When you know the issues that your customers are facing, you can then align yourself to Enhance the overall customer experience.

9. Analytics and reporting

Marketers use data from previous deals to understand who their customers are. Who are the decision-makers, at what point do they buy, what their primary questions and concerns are, etc.?

There are issues when the data you’ve gathered is inconsistent and incomplete. Although data can be accurately captured, it is difficult for companies to handle.

AI technology analyzes data much more quickly than humans can. Not only that, they’re able to detect patterns we usually couldn’t, surfacing them to the end user through visual dashboards.

By compiling your data, you can look at the critical differences between the deals you’ve won and lost. How many people are engaged with an agreement of a specific size? Which customer persona is involved in the high-value deals you’ve won?

This automated pattern recognition helps you find trends and opportunities that you might have missed.

Over to You

Traditional targeting is like a roadmap, giving a clear route to your customers. AI is a powerful tool in your arsenal that can reduce guesswork, boost confidence and let you market with precision.

Targeted campaigns, communications, and other go-to-marketing activities are effective based on high-quality data, and you can use AI to get there.

By embracing AI, you could become more personal with your customers. You can also create stronger connections that provide higher lifetime value.


Originally published at on November 26, 2022.



Raul Tiru

Co-founder, Founder Let’s create memorable content. #ContentCreation, #ContentMarketing, #Nonprofit