How to do Proper Keyword Research [Video Tutorial]

Raul Tiru
3 min readFeb 29, 2024

Dive into the essential world of SEO with our expert guide on how to conduct proper keyword research.

Mastering the art of identifying and analyzing the right keywords is the cornerstone of any successful SEO strategy, directly influencing your visibility online and your ability to attract and engage your target audience.

Whether you’re new to SEO or looking to refine your approach, our guide walks you through every step of the process. From understanding your niche and utilizing advanced research tools to analyzing search intent and staying ahead of evolving trends, learn how to uncover the keywords that will drive targeted traffic, enhance your content strategy, and ultimately, transform your digital presence.

Perfect for businesses, content creators, and digital marketers alike, this guide is your key to unlocking the potential of your online content.

How to do Proper Keyword Research [Video Tutorial]

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How to do Proper Keyword Research

Proper keyword research is a foundational element of successful SEO and content marketing strategies. It involves identifying the terms and phrases your target audience uses when searching for products, services, or information related to your business. Here’s a comprehensive guide to conducting effective keyword research:

1. Understand Your Niche

  • Brainstorm: Start by listing topics relevant to your business or niche. Think about the services you offer, the topics your audience cares about, and the content they consume.
  • Talk to Your Audience: Engage with your customers through surveys, social media, or direct conversations to understand their needs and the language they use.

2. Use Keyword Research Tools

  • Explore Tools: Utilize keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Ubersuggest to find keyword ideas and their search volume, competition, and related queries.
  • Analyze Data: Look for keywords with a good balance of search volume and competition. High-volume, low-competition keywords are golden opportunities.

3. Consider Search Intent

  • Identify Intent: Understand the intent behind searches — informational, navigational, transactional, or commercial. Tailor your content to match this intent.
  • Content Alignment: Ensure the keywords you target align with the type of content you’re creating. For example, informational keywords should lead to blog posts or guides.

4. Study the Competition

  • Analyze Competitors: Look at the keywords your competitors are targeting and their ranking content. Tools like Semrush’s Keyword Explorer can help identify gaps in their strategies that you can exploit.
  • Competitor Rankings: Use this information to determine whether you should compete for the same keywords or focus on niche areas they’ve overlooked.

5. Look for Long-Tail Keywords

  • Find Long-Tail Variations: These are longer, more specific phrases that have lower search volumes but less competition and higher conversion rates.
  • Use Naturally: Incorporate long-tail keywords into your content naturally. They often align closely with user intent and can drive targeted traffic.

6. Utilize Keyword Organization

  • Organize Keywords: Group your keywords by topic, search intent, or other relevant categories. This can help in structuring your website’s content strategy and improving site architecture.
  • Prioritize: Rank your keywords based on relevance, search volume, and your ability to compete. This prioritization will guide your content creation efforts.

7. Keep Keywords Updated

  • Monitor Performance: Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track how well your targeted keywords are performing in driving traffic and conversions.
  • Adjust Strategies: SEO and search trends are always evolving. Regularly review and update your keyword list to adapt to new search behaviors and market dynamics.

8. Create Content That Satisfies User Needs

  • Content Creation: Develop high-quality, valuable content that answers the questions and meets the needs indicated by your keyword research.
  • Optimization: Ensure your content is optimized for both users and search engines, incorporating targeted keywords naturally and following SEO best practices.


Effective keyword research is much more than just finding high-volume search terms; it’s about understanding your audience, their needs, and how they seek out information. By following these steps, you can develop a robust keyword strategy that drives targeted traffic, engages your audience, and supports your business goals. Always remember, the key to success in SEO and content marketing lies in continuous learning, testing, and adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape.



Raul Tiru

Co-founder, Founder Let’s create memorable content. #ContentCreation, #ContentMarketing, #Nonprofit