Be independent for the rest of your life by learning these 5 essential skills

Adnan Umar
Marketing and Entrepreneurship
7 min readSep 24, 2020
Your independent life

Self dependence, a personality trait that excites people of all different age groups. The teenagers see it as an opportunity to ease up on the parental controls and explore the world, by building their own experience. Adults want to get rid of the pressure of their 9 to 5 jobs and get a hold of their own life. Even experienced individuals leave their pesky jobs to turn their life around and build a better name for themselves.

Many people come across the idea of being independent, they hear stories of successful people who started with nothing and now are sitting at the top. They say to themselves

I can also do that. I’ll work hard and get everything I want

They have that impulse of desire to do it and be like the legends. It’s possible that you might have had a similar experience as well.

You go back to your home or back to your job, do the things you do everyday and become completely deprived of that will, the urge and the motivation you had a few minutes ago. This is what happens to almost every single one of us and is the root cause of failure. We stop trying by accepting our life as it is. We are too afraid to change, too afraid to get out of our comfort zone and make necessary changes.

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One major reason behind all these is the lack of guidance. People are motivated to do new things but they just don’t know how. So mentioned below are 5 mantras that will help you to be self dependent for the rest of your life.

1. The Mastery of Self Improvement

The Mastery of Self Improvement
Self Improvement

The first secret is Self Improvement. It’s pretty much a self explanatory term, meaning improvement of oneself. But the question arises, what to improve? How to bring change? What change is going to help me in the long term? When you understand what the answers to these questions should be, that’s when you get to know what to do and how to do it.

Every business needs more employees that are self driven and motivated to do things and less lazy people who keep saying things like “I’ll do it tomorrow”. In a broader sense and focussing on individual aspects, a person can change anything about him when times demands and can even change back if it’s what he needs to do.

Human beings are capable of change, that’s the best thing about us. If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, making it to the big leagues, with your small business to start with, the first thing you need to change is yourself. Get ready to face the world, get ready to accept the challenges, get ready to learn new things from the right teachers, learn from the mistakes of others, learn more and keep learning.

Have patience and use your knowledge as your greatest weapon. Learn to make the right decisions at the right time. Learn the fundamentals of teamwork, learn to lead. The list could go on and on but the gist of the message is to develop your mindset so strongly that you can face the challenges head on.

2. Fascinate Audience with Exceptional Copywriting

Fascinate Audience with Exceptional Copywriting
Exceptional Copywriting

You not only need to understand the fundamentals of copywriting, but get into its depth. If you want to settle down into the market, you’ll need to copywrite all the time. Making advertisements, sales pages, catalogs, brochures, magazines, articles, emails, social media marketing, sales letters and everything that needs text, needs copywriting skills.

All the above mentioned things are the backbone of your business, If your business is present among the customers, if people talk about it on different social media platforms, if people read about it on newspapers and magazines, if people see it on TV advertisements and if people get to know things about your services through catalogs and brochures, you are halfway there.

You have stepped outside and made your presence felt. Now all you need to do is attract customers. Let them know that they are welcome to enjoy your services for the price tag you offer. Build reputation and advertise more. Sales pages, after sale customer engagement and email play a vital role here and you’ll need copywriting skills for achieving all these desired goals.

3. The Overlooked Importance of List of Building

The Overlooked Importance of List of Building
Importance of List of Building

Another crucial yet often overlooked business factor is list building. Which is also the third secret that we are sharing with you. Many small businesses don’t pay much attention to list building. They believe that “They don’t need any list to deal with 5 clients”, they have just enough clients and can easily focus on them without needing any big analytics system or personalized emails.

They are able manage few clients in the starting but as their business grows, they find it tough to keep things in order. They find it frustrating when they have to deal with similar clients and mix up information. They do not lack organizational skills but they face issues because they didn’t pay attention to properly building lists from the starting. This often results in client dissatisfaction and business loss.

Can you imagine having 100 clients and not keeping track of what they mostly buy, what services they opt for again and again, how they are connected to your business and not sending them personalized emails. How much business opportunity is wasted just because you were too tired to keep things organized.

List building is the most efficient way of getting more and more information about your clients and using that information to skyrocket your business. Now List building is not something crazy complicated like it used to be. Everything is online, online surveys, social media accounts, quizzes, landing pages, online events and contests and many others are great sources of sharing information.

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You can just make a quick giveaway if a user gives you his email address, like free samples in a supermarket, but in the online world where the email could bring more and more potential clients and increase your reach even further as more and more consumers get attracted to the services you offer just by checking out your free samples.

4. The Long Lasting Impression by Building Trust

The Long Lasting Impression by Building Trust
Building Trust

You’ve probably heard the fourth secret in some great relationship advice. The importance of Building trust. The idea is similar. Build trust to keep a long lasting relationship, but with a customer. Try to understand every single customer that knocks your door. Try so make them feel accepted to be a welcomed user of your services. Make them understand what you offer.

Let them know that you are willing to help them make the best use of your products and services. Welcome returning customers even more by providing them free goodies, vouchers, offers, samples of new products and stuff that will keep them connected to you and make them feel served instead of being tolerated.

Every business that has ever grown to be a successful organization has done it one the basis of their customer relationships. Companies spend millions to understand their customers and sell them what they need and make their products available to more and more different kinds of customers.

5. Be a Perfect Execution Genius

Be a Perfect Execution Genius

The next secret on the list is Execution. You have the perfect business idea. You know what to do. You know who is your customer. You know how to make awesome advertisements. Yet your product is not getting attention like you thought it would. You miss the deadline, your competitor is taking over, your employees are not working the way they should.

All these are the signs of poor execution. Having that personality to lead a group of individuals to work together for a single goal is not as easy as it sounds. There are conflicts in a workplace, people generally assign blame to others, saying “You were responsible for taking care of that” and without good conflict resolution skills, even a well settled business can go down.

Keeping a keen eye on what your competitor is doing. Not copying them but learning from others. Ability to make others understand what you have in mind and make them work for you. Great understanding of teamwork and ability to adapt to last minute changes. All these skills are necessary to be a successful businessman.


These secrets, if understood and executed correctly, will take you a long way on your quest to success. You won’t get all of them right in the first try but having patience to get up even after the hardest fall will keep you motivated to face the incoming challenges in future.

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