Delight is the Default, Not the Exception

Oli Gardner
Marketing and Entrepreneurship
2 min readDec 10, 2015

A essay on the path to becoming an integrity-driven marketer.

Delight is your one and only campaign goal. Your ads are a promise built on the integrity of your brand. Commit to your promises. “Clicks are people” – Wil Reynolds. Every click deserves the respect of your time, or your budget, and the belief that with each click you are creating value. The burden of responsibility lies with us, not our customers. Chase delight in your intentions, in your copy, in your design. Excellence isn’t accidental, it’s a purposeful and personal act of kindness.

To acquire fans, followers, partners and peers, think beyond the conversion. Designing for ideal is the baseline of delight. Disappoint one to delight one thousand. Bury yourself in feedback to rebel against your own creations. Design in reaction to the forceful rejection of your mistakes. To understand our customer’s pains, we must be willingly hurt by their feedback. Humility is being humbled by the stumbling of every visitor’s interactions.


About Oli Gardner Co-Founder Oli Gardner has seen more landing pages than anyone on the planet. His disdain for marketers who send campaign traffic to their homepage is legendary. He is a prolific webinar guest and writer, and speaks internationally about Conversion-Centered Design and the intersection of copy, design, interaction, and psychology.

Oli is on a mission to help marketers combine data and design to create high-converting and delightful marketing experiences.

When not trying to rewire conversion methodology, Oli spends his time mulling over ideas like legally changing his name to “Landing Page” to garner extra SEO love from his guest post bio. He was recently named the “The 2017 Marketer to Watch,” in the under 45 category, by his mother.

