How to Build a Bot for Business

Larry Kim
Marketing and Entrepreneurship
9 min readNov 20, 2019

These days, people prefer messaging to any other form of communication. In fact, the majority of people are interested in using messaging to communicate with a business.

That’s where bots for business come in handy. Bots give businesses the ability to automatically communicate with customers in chat apps, SMS, and text.

Using a marketing bot for your business is guaranteed to give your business better ROI. The #1 chat app in the U.S. is Facebook Messenger, and automated Messenger marketing has all-star engagement, beating engagement of Facebook Newsfeed, ads and email marketing by 10X and more.

There are only 400K Facebook bots in the wild today, yet over 10 billion messages are sent over Messenger every month. That gives businesses a big opportunity to leverage bots to scale customer communication.

Today, we’re going to talk about how to build a bot for business and when these bots come in handy.

The instructions for how to build a bot for business are as follows:

  1. Decide what the bot will do for your business.
  2. Navigate to the MobileMonkey bot builder.
  3. Select “Chatbots” from the sidebar.
  4. Select “Dialogues” to start building your bot.
  5. Add your dialogue options.
  6. Add your Q+A triggers.
  7. Test your bot!

How to Build a Bot for Business

Before we get started learning how to build a bot for business, consider trying out MobileMonkey’s customer survey bot to see for yourself how business bots work in real time.

Now, let’s get started!

1. Decide what the bot will do for your business.

So you’ve decided to learn how to build a bot for business. That must mean you’ve got a business, and you want a bot to do something for it.

But what do you want the bot to do?

There are many types of bots for business. For example, bots can assist with B2B lead gen. Some businesses use bots to perform customer service tasks. Others use bots to perform ecommerce tasks.

Your bot is going to be used to save you time and revenue while improving your ROI, so think about what services and tasks you want the bot to perform for your business.

For the sake of this tutorial, we will pretend like the objective you’ve chosen for your business’s bot is to help your customers learn more about bots and your product. The examples in the following steps will reflect this objective.

2. Navigate to the MobileMonkey bot builder.

The most business-friendly visual bot builder today is MobileMonkey. Sign up for a free account or log into your existing account.

Looking to learn about effective bot marketing strategies for your own business?

MobileMonkey has resources where you can learn more about bots, how to build a bot for business (or pleasure), and Facebook Messenger marketing through our blog and help docs.

You can also easily access specific information about bots through our Chatbot University page. Sign up for a summit where you can participate in a webinar and learn firsthand how to build a bot for business or more exciting things in the marketing industry. In addition, see how bots are successful by reading some case studies.

3. Select “bots” from the sidebar.

Once you’ve signed up for a free MobileMonkey account and gone through our resources to learn more about Facebook Messenger marketing and how to build a bot for business, you can get started creating your first chatbot.

Go ahead and select “Chatbots” from the sidebar.

4. Select “Dialogues” to start building your bot.

Once you’ve navigated to the bot builder, you’re ready to build a bot for business!

Now you have to select the “Dialogues” option.

These two options actually go hand-in-hand, but in order to build a bot for business, you need to start with the “Dialogues” option. The dialogues are how the user and your bot interact. They will drive the conversation.

5. Add your dialogue options.

This is where you really start to build a bot for business!

When you go to the toolbar on the side of the bot builder, you will see all of your dialogues. These are the conversations that your bot will have with the user interacting with it.

Start with your welcome message.

It’s best to include an image or GIF with your welcome message. This makes the user feel like they’re having a more personalized conversation with a more human-like bot.

You can add a list of answer options for the user to select from. This is how the conversation moves forward.

In order to direct the user to different areas when they select answer options, you have to create more dialogues in the sidebar and use those as the response dialogue.

In addition to text and more button options, you can include a URL in your response dialogue.

Then, you have to make sure that the response dialogues actually lead your user somewhere. You set up the response dialogues using various widgets that are provided in the bot builder.

For example, in the “Learn about Chatbots” dialogue, I decided to include some text widgets that give a little more information about bots.

Then, I give the user another option of what they’d like to do next.

There’s a lot of different options for how to build a bot for business. You can use various different response dialogues to engage your user. You can also use some to gather user information.

Here, I added a “form” widget that will pop up if the user requests a MobileMonkey demo.

This form causes the bot to ask for the user’s phone number so that they can be contacted to set up a time to receive a demo.

You don’t have to ask for a phone number in this case. It really depends on your bot’s objective. If you’re looking for email addresses to add to an email list, this might be a great spot to ask for the user’s email, because then the bot will grab that information.

6. Add your Q+A triggers.

You’re really on your way to learning how to build a bot for business!

Once your dialogue options are all set up, you can make it even easier on the user by entering Q+A triggers.

These are trigger words that will result in the dialogues that you set up before without the user having to go through the entire dialogue process.

For example, I thought it might be likely that a user would contact my page simply to request a demo.

In that case, the user would choose to message the bot and might just type “Demo.”

So I set up a trigger word, “demo,” to trigger the form dialogue that asks for the user’s phone number.

7. Test your bot!

Ah, you’ve done it! You’ve learned how to build a bot for business.

The last step, however, is to test your bot to make sure everything works properly.

Here you’ll see that when I go to message my page, there is an option that says “Get Started.” That’s how you know you’re about to interact with a bot.

When I click “Get Started,” the bot responds with the welcome message. I’ve changed it up a bit to give me two options: “Learn about bots” or “Show me a unicorn!”

I decided to go with “Show me a unicorn!” first (for the sake of joy & happiness, of course). The bot responds with a GIF of a unicorn and the option to see another (if you’ll remember, you can set up these options in dialogues).

That’s enough unicorns for now, though. So I select “No!” which I decided would bring me back to the first message, inviting me to choose an option.

This time, I choose “Learn more.” The bot responds with the first part of the “Learn more about bots” dialogue that I previously created.

I decided to try interrupting it, however, so I type “Demo” before it can finish.

Note the typing icon here on Facebook Messenger. That’s a widget that you can add to your dialogues to make your bot appear more human, as if it is typing.

Now, the bot responds with the form dialogue that I set up before. In my case, Facebook automatically loads my phone number (which I’ve blocked out!) so I can easily click on it to provide to the bot.

And, wah-lah! You’ve tested your bot and officially learned how to build a bot for business.

How to Build a Bot for Business: A Refresher

That was a lot of information, so maybe we should quickly review the steps on how to build a bot for business.

First, in your quest to learn how to build a bot for business, you’ll want to decide what the bot is going to do for your business. Will it answer user questions? Will it gather lead information?

Then you want to go to and sign up for a free account. It takes no time at all, and then you have access to the many free features MobileMonkey offers!

Next, you want to select “Chatbots” from the sidebar and choose between the “Dialogues” and “Q+A” bot options.

Now you’ll want to design your different dialogue options. This is how the user interacts with the bot and how the conversation with the bot moves forward. With these options you can include answer options, URLs, contact forms, and different widgets that personalize the experience for the user.

After completing your dialogue options, you’ll want to add your Q+A triggers so that a user can easily access your dialogues by typing simple words or phrases instead of going through the conversation with the bot.

Finally, once you’ve learned how to build a bot for business and completed your first bot, you’ll want to test the bot to make sure it’s functioning properly.

And there you have it, you’ve learned how to build a bot for business and you can now add them to your Facebook page, website, WordPress, and more!

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About the Author

Larry Kim is the CEO of MobileMonkey — provider of the World’s Best Facebook Messenger Marketing Platform. He’s also the founder of WordStream.

You can connect with him on Facebook Messenger, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram.

Do you want a Free Facebook Chatbot builder for your Facebook page? Check out MobileMonkey!

Originally Published on



Larry Kim
Marketing and Entrepreneurship

CEO of MobileMonkey. Founder of WordStream. Top columnist @Inc ❤️ AdWords, Facebook Advertising, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Start-ups & Venture Capital 🦄