How to Chat Blast Your Facebook Messenger Contacts

Larry Kim
Marketing and Entrepreneurship
4 min readJun 26, 2018

When you launch an email campaign, what’s the engagement rate you’re shooting for?

15% open rate? 20%? An open rate of 25% would put you at the top of most industry averages.

You’re good with that, right?

False. Email blast open rates are dang donkeys.

I’ve been playing around with chat blasts in Facebook Messenger and get this —

Chat blasts average 70–80% open rate in the first hour because Messenger chat is the engaging and familiar channel preferred by a generation of mobile internet users.

Here’s how to chat blast your contacts in Facebook Messenger in 3 steps for totally unprecedented engagement:

  1. Build your chat page.
  2. Create the blast.
  3. Blast it!

You can actually see the chat blast we’ll build together in action in Facebook Messenger.

Here’s how to do it yourself.

Step 1: Build your Messenger chat page.

Start by building the chat page that will go out in your blast.

Use the chatbot builder to create the blast page content.

Type double curly brackets to select from a drop-down menu of custom contact variables to dynamically insert any contact attribute. Include their first name to personalize the message:

Add a CTA button that links to the blog post or content you’re sending them to read:

And don’t forget your unsubscribe message! Remind readers that they can unsubscribe at any time by responding “stop”. This helps you reduce complaints.

To test your page, click the “Send to me” button:

Here’s what it looks like in chat:

Step 2: Create the blast.

From the marketing automation tools, go to Chat Blaster and create a New Chat Blast.

Choose the page you’re blasting from easy drop-down menus:

Similarly, use the drop-down options to select the Facebook Messenger audience segment for the blast.

Last, choose the purpose of the blast from the menu:

  • Promotional update
  • Community alert
  • Event attendee reminder
  • Non-promotional subscription
  • Pairing update
  • Application update
  • Account update
  • Payment update
  • Personal finance update
  • Shipping update
  • Reservation update
  • Issue resolution
  • Appointment update
  • Game event
  • Transportation update
  • Feature functionality update
  • Ticket update

Step 3: Blast it!

Hit send to chat blast away immediately!

Or schedule the blast for a future date and time with the scheduled blasts feature for Pro and Team users:

Bonus Blaster: Automated Chat Blasts via RSS Feed

Readers subscribed to your blog updates can get new published content automatically sent to Messenger with the RSS Blaster!

Facebook Messenger RSS Blaster sends automated blog updates to you Messenger subscribers in engaging and mobile-friendly chat with push notifications!

Thanks for joining us on this epic journey from donkey email blasting to unicorn chat blasting land.

You’re now armed and ready to chat blast.

Facebook Messenger Marketing is FREE for unlimited contacts in MobileMonkey.

How often do you find free unicorns hanging around?

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  1. Sign up to have them sent to your email directly

2. Sign up for occasional Facebook Messenger Marketing news & tips via Facebook Messenger.

About the Author

Larry Kim is the CEO of MobileMonkey — provider of the World’s Best Facebook Messenger Marketing Platform. He’s also the founder of WordStream.

You can connect with him on Facebook Messenger, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram.

Originally posted on



Larry Kim
Marketing and Entrepreneurship

CEO of MobileMonkey. Founder of WordStream. Top columnist @Inc ❤️ AdWords, Facebook Advertising, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Start-ups & Venture Capital 🦄