The 10 Best WordPress Plugins for Your Website in 2019

Larry Kim
Marketing and Entrepreneurship
4 min readApr 10, 2019

The right WordPress plugins can make a major difference in your digital marketing campaigns.

There are all-star plugins that can help with content strategy, SEO, site security and even Facebook Messenger marketing.

But with more than 29,000 WordpPress plugins available, how do you identify the unicorns and weed out the donkeys?

I’ve done the work for you.

Here, I’ve rounded up 10 best WordPress plugins to add to your website in 2019.

1. MobileMonkey’s WP-Chatbot

Want to connect your business with the 1.3 billion+ uses on Facebook Messenger?

Then power your site with MobileMonkey’s WP-Chatbot.

It’s just like a traditional website chat where users can chat with a support team or get answers to questions, but with the added benefit of getting information on every single one of those users.

When a user chats with a MobileMonkey-powered site chat, the conversation they’re having is being facilitated through Facebook Messenger.

That’s means every chat bubble conversation will have a history.

More importantly, you can add forms where users can automatically add their information, making it simple for you to gather data on your customers and follow up with them.

2. Yoast SEO

This is one of the most best on-page SEO plugins for WordPress sites.

Yoast SEO shows how SEO-friendly your post is and gives recommendations for how to improve it.

Among other things, it will analyze your keyword use, your metadata, and the readability of your content.

3. Jetpack

It’s the all-in-one features package for every WordPress site, made by the WordPress team.

Jetpack is a must-have plugin, giving WordPress users numerous powerful features.

It takes care of website security, performance, traffic growth, image optimization, design, etc.

4. Akismet Anti-Spam

This plugin tends to be automatically installed along with WordPress.

Akismet is your main safeguard against spam comments on your WordPress site.

It filters out comments that are spammy with illicit links, inappropriate messages, and such.

You can also see a status history for each comment, so you can know where they come from.

If you need more powerful features for a commercial website, there’s a premium option.

5. WooCommerce

If you’re looking to build an online store, then this is the WordPress plugin you should install.

WooCommerce is the №1 plugin for ecommerce in WordPress.

You can install it and easily set it up to add product listings and shopping cart in your website.

It has features for providing customers with multiple options in shipping, payment methods, etc.

There is also an online community of WooCommerce users worldwide you can interact with.

6. Wordfence Security

Website security is something most people take for granted -; until they get hacked.

This WordPress plugin guards against hacking with real-time monitoring and protection.

It also has firewall protection, malware scan, blocking, login security, and many other features.

Wordfence also logs real-time activities on your website, so you can always keep an eye on things.

7. Google XML Sitemaps

Setting up Google XML sitemaps and getting them just right can be tedious.

This plugin create your XML sitemap for you and ensures your website will be indexed by all the major search engines.

Save time and effort in your website’s SEO initial setup with this plugin.

8. WPForms

If you need to add forms in posts and pages, nothing comes close to WPForms.

It’s the most beginner-friendly plugin for building forms in WordPress.

WPForms has a drag-and-drop interface that lets you create a contact form easily.

This plugin has a lite version you can try out and keep using for free if it satisfies your needs.

If you want more features, then you can go for the pro version.

That paid version lets you collect payments, conduct surveys, take job applications, and so on.

9. MonsterInsights

This plugin makes your Google Analytics visible through your WordPress dashboard.

It’s quick and easy to connect Google Analytics, and once it’s set up, it’s so convenient to see your data within Wordpress.

There’s a 100% free lite version (woot!), as well as a pro version with more robust metrics for publisher and ecommerce sites.

10. Redirection

There may be times you have to change permalinks of your posts or pages

But every now and then, you forget to redirect them since that can get pretty tedious.

This aptly-named plugin lets you manage all the 301 redirects and 404 errors in your site.

You can then redirect all those faulty URLs and have full logs of all the redirects.

This plugin is especially useful when you make big changes to your WordPress site.

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About the Author

Larry Kim is the CEO of MobileMonkey — provider of the World’s Best Facebook Messenger Marketing Platform. He’s also the founder of WordStream.

You can connect with him on Facebook Messenger, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram.

Originally posted on



Larry Kim
Marketing and Entrepreneurship

CEO of MobileMonkey. Founder of WordStream. Top columnist @Inc ❤️ AdWords, Facebook Advertising, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Start-ups & Venture Capital 🦄