These 10 Fonts Need to Die

Larry Kim
Marketing and Entrepreneurship
2 min readAug 29, 2016

Believe it or not, there are even worse fonts than Comic Sans.

Like most rational people, I’ve never been a fan of Comic Sans. In fact, I die a little inside when I see that this font is still used on some websites and blogs! Imagine my delight when I happened upon a website called, whose sole purpose is to banish this font to the nether regions of the Internet.

Their online petition (that’s right, they started a petition) has attracted more than 5,000 signatures, which leads me to believe that many people really, truly and passionately dislike Comic Sans. But let me be devil’s advocate for just a minute here, because as much as Comic Sans makes my toes curl, it’s not even the worst font out there.

Typography is pretty important — in fact, it can speak louder than words. I liken it to our style of clothing, which speaks to who we are. How many times have you met someone and based solely on how they dressed, instantly thought they were cool and someone you want to talk to?

That same process happens every time someone lands on a website. In a split second, we take in the typography, the colors, the imagery, the white space, the overall style. In that split second, we make a judgment: is this somewhere want to hang out for a few seconds/minutes, or am I automatically discounting this and bouncing away?

Comic Sans makes people bounce. It’s that awful.

But like I said, some fonts are even more offensive and awful. Here are 10 examples Carly Stec over at HubSpot came up — I made a visual out of her list because you have to see these bad boys to truly appreciate just how much they need to die:

Originally published on

About The Author

Larry Kim is the CEO of Mobile Monkey and founder of WordStream. You can connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.



Larry Kim
Marketing and Entrepreneurship

CEO of MobileMonkey. Founder of WordStream. Top columnist @Inc ❤️ AdWords, Facebook Advertising, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Start-ups & Venture Capital 🦄