4 Types Traffic: Which One Indicates Being the Best for Your Website?

Stanislava Stoeva
Marketing & Business Growth
4 min readNov 26, 2021

The Best Traffic for your website

Graphic Image created by the author on Canva.

Let’s discuss web traffic 🚥 which is one of the most important aspects of online business. First, I will explain to you the meaning of web traffic to understand. Web traffic refers to web users or visitors who access your website, measured by visits or called “sessions”.

There are many different types of web traffic, or they could be classified differently, depending on the traffic coming. The traffic directed to your website could be 4 types: traffic you own, the traffic you control, direct traffic and traffic you don’t control. If you research web traffic, you can find more options for your web traffic that marketers are talking about, like organic, referrals, paid. Your web traffic could be cold, warm or hot, which depends on your audience’s knowledge and trust in you as entrepreneurs for them to purchase from you. There are so many ways that web traffic is classified that it becomes overwhelming, so I will help you understand the different types of visitors.

Traffic you own

The traffic that you own is your email list because you don’t need to convert them. That traffic is already willing to buy from you as those people know and trust you, so they are eager to buy from you. You will send them an email whenever you want to that traffic because you don’t need to redirect them by buying ads from Google or Facebook. If they are on your email list, you already have their permission to send them any time emails like welcome emails, newsletters, offers, send reminders or their purchase via email. Those people are already willing to buy from you repeatedly. The traffic could contain paid, organic, direct traffic from social media or search engines.

Traffic you control

The traffic you control is known as paid traffic because it comes from the ads you pay on Google or Social Media like Facebook or Pinterest and any other Ads banners or ads you pay. Another way to achieve traffic that you control is through referrals. These people could find your site through an external source like another person or a website. For example, if you publish an article into a press or another blog with a link back to your site, if somebody is willing to follow that link, that person. Also, it could be a referee who already knows or made a purchase from you shares your site to a friend, or a family member is considered a referral.

You can control that traffic through those ads or by asking people (that could be a friend, family member, someone you chat about your business but they don’t need your services/products or a customer) to refer you to someone they may know that need your services or products. Such a referral will provide you with an opportunity for them to know and trust so that you can convert them from the leads your find through the ads, which will be your cold traffic into friends (those are your warm traffic) and then into a customer (equals to your hot traffic). You can chat with those people to push them through your landing page, where you can turn them into traffic you own.

Direct Traffic

The Direct traffic will consist of people who enter your URL link address directly into the web browser to visit your website. Those people already could be heard and know about your brand; otherwise, they will not be able to access your site. This kind of traffic could be a result of long-term brand or repeat visits. Your goal here is to turn that traffic into traffic you own through your content. It would help your business if you connected with them to know and trust them. This kind of traffic is difficult to scale, making it a less effective traffic source in the long term.

The traffic you don’t control

The last type of traffic you don’t control is when it comes or where it will go. For example, if someone uses Google to search for your business, it could end up on a random page on your website. You don’t have any control over those events. You cannot control much traffic, such as social media, guest blogging, search traffic (search engine optimization or SEO), and YouTube. As you manage and direct traffic, your only goal is to convert the traffic you don’t control into traffic you own. To achieve that, you have to push all traffic you don’t control through your landing page or blog where they could sign up for your email list.

Have a nice day!

~ Stasi

