What Is an Attractive Character and Why Is It Important for Your Business?

Stanislava Stoeva
Marketing & Business Growth
3 min readDec 12, 2021

An attractive character is an influencer in your business.

The concept of an attractive character is a persona that communicates with your audience and being an influencer to convince them to buy from you. To attract customer attention, build your followers or fans and make sales. That person helps your visibility and awareness for your business in any platform such as emails, social media like Facebook or Twitter, Blogs even on your website or funnel sale platform. An attractive character could be anybody as long as their story is related to your business, products, or services that will help your audience connect with you and know you and your business.

An influencer will convert people into clients by telling a story, and if your customer could rely on those stories, that eventually will make them buy from your if they trust and know you. Through your attractive character, you need to convince your audience that you can help them solve the problems in their business.


The backstory of your attractive character is essential to attract your customers’ attention. You can do this by making sure your audience learns about your character’s backstory while watching or reading ads related to your business. That character could be you who share your backstory related to your products or services. Without knowing the backstory, you will not rely on that character.

If your audience relies on the stories related to your product or services, they will want to follow you. If your potential customer depends on the story, they will not follow. If you don’t find a story related to your product or service, you can find somebody else’s story to share.

Your Attractive Character talks in stories

You can share your attractive character’s little stories that are easy to remember and illustrate the relevant point. You can use those stories to educate your audience and show them how your products or services could help them. Also, a story in your life, something that happened, could educate or inspire others.

Share your Attractive Character Flaws

Most people struggle to share their flaws, but it is one significant aspect of your character as it makes you real. Business owners need to remember that there are no perfect people, and every person has flaws. So as soon as your audience learn that your character has flaws that will make them relate and like you more because you are similar: not being a perfect person.

The Power of Polarity

As a business owner, you are trying not to offend anyone, which is logical. Trying to satisfy everybody is impossible, and being neutral may be boring, which may end up reaching no one. Your attractive character should be polarizing. You need to share your opinion and stick to what you communicate with your audience, no matter how many people disagree. As you stand for what you believe, you will split your audience into three categories: people who agree with you, neutral and people who disagree. As you are using the polarization, you will get fans who will follow you, share your message, and buy from you.

It may be scary to share your opinion online, there will be people who agree and love you, but there will also be people who will disagree and hate you. All those people will voice their opinion online. If no one is talking about you, they don’t know who you are. If you want to build a successful business, it is time to step out of your neutral position and comfortable zone as well as start sharing your opinion on matters essential for you as an entrepreneur.

Have a nice day!

~ Stasi

