That was unexpected … the first Ad I’ve seen on Medium

Arnie McKinnis
Marketing Circus
Published in
1 min readDec 3, 2016
screen capture on Medium

I’ve been a huge fan of Medium since it’s launch. I’ve really enjoyed everything about — from how easy I can navigate articles, to inline commenting and highlighting, writing an article is drop dead easy and with publications, you can “group” them into a logical group. Almost everything within the platform is brilliant.

But I was a bit surprised to see the above advertising within an article — and have to admit, it could be I missed an announcement by Medium about serving ads or it is a diabolically brilliant idea by either the writers or the publication to serve advertising within their articles.

Personally, I don’t care — I’ve gotten very good at ignoring ads on the internet, along with everyone else. It just surprised me to see it.

What are you thoughts? And does it surprise you?



Arnie McKinnis
Marketing Circus

Taking ideas, creating new services, and driving results in an “as a service” world