Writing for Marketing Digest

For writers passionate on writing for Marketing Digest

Lakindu Hewawasam
Marketing Digest
3 min readJan 24, 2022


Welcome to Marketing Digest, the blog for sharing everything marketing related.

To get started as a Writer or to submit your article as a draft for Marketing Digest, fill the form using this link and we will add you as a writer as soon as we receive your request.

Choosing the right topic

After becoming a writer, you are free to submit articles related to the field of Marketing. However, when writing deciding your topic, consider these factors.

  • Am I passionate about the topic?
  • Will others gain something out of this?

If your topic fits either of these, its worth writing about!

If you need any help deciding a genre, here are some that you can use. Please note that you are welcome to write an article not specified in this genre, but related to marketing.

Suitable Topic Genres

Content marketing
Content Writing / Copywriting
Content Creation
Marketing Trends
Marketing Data Analytics
Technical Marketing
Research Related Marketing
Marketing Case Studies
Marketing Psychology
Consumer Psychology
Influencer Marketing
Traditional Marketing
Email Marketing
Creative Inspirations
Social Media Marketing

You are free to select any of these genres for your article, or use your own genre that’s related to Marketing.

Writing & structuring your article

When writing the article, the crucial element is its structure. All of us are learners in this community, it is important to follow a proper writing structure to make your article stand out.

We advice articles to have this format to ensure it is on track to becoming perfect.

  1. Introduction: Always start off by introducing your reader to the topic. Give your reader a reason to continue reading! You can achieve this by starting off with a negative consequence that may occur by not implementing the topic you aim to cover.
  2. Body: Don’t wait too long to dive into the concepts. Ensure your reader can absorb your content as early as possible. Provide real world examples, if possible and try to relate from your personal experiences.
  3. Conclusion: One crucial point is wrapping things up. Its always good to explain to your reader what you covered in your article by providing a sentence or two.

Secondly, it is important that your article has a word count between 1000 and 1500. It’s proven that articles that have a reading time between 7 to 9 minutes perform well with readers. Therefore, keep your articles between this reading time and word count and you are good to go!

Finally, try to keep your grammar, punctuation, writing style as consistent as possible. We recommend using tools like Grammarly to help you with this.

Adding your feature image

Next, all good articles need a feature image to attract readers. Make sure yours stands out and highlights your content! Get creative! You are free to create your own. Make it funny, informative, but content related. Let your imagination run free!

Tagging your article

It is important that your article is accessible from a single Google search. Tagging your article with meaningful tags helps Google optimize your article better for search results. Therefore, include tags that are mainly content related.

Example: Marketing, Content Marketing, SEO, Branding, Technical Marketing

Submitting your article

Once you have finished your article, send it over to us as a draft by adding it to our publication if you are already a writer, or by using this form. We will take two to three days to review your article and do any revisions (if necessary) and publish your article on our publication.

Apart from this, your article will also be shared on our:

  1. Twitter account
  2. Facebook account
  3. LinkedIn account
  4. Instagram account

Therefore, you can ensure that your article will have maximum reach as possible that will help you grow as a writer in the marketing community!

What are you waiting for?

If you’re not already a writer, click on this link so that we can add you as a writer on Marketing Digest. We are looking forward to publishing amazing content from you.

If you need any assistance getting started, feel free to contact us by dropping an email via themarketingdigest@gmail.com

