Monisha Voonna — Dragon #07

“The sharpest mind dressed in contagious, positive energy” is how I would describe Monisha to a stranger.

Jonathan Nyst
Marketing Dragons
5 min readSep 15, 2021


There is a warmth vs. competence bias when it comes to assessing leadership in both genders. While men leaders can get away being on either end of the matrix, it’s different for women. Too competent and they’re considered cold and threatening. Too warm and people think they don’t have the skills. But Monisha doesn’t compromise. She is an incredible technical leader and makes people happy just by being around them. One day, she’ll lead a company and everyone will be lucky to work under her direction.

What’s an unusual fact or story about yourself that not a lot of people know?

I went on a 9-day long adventure trip on a traditional 34m timber phinisi yacht to the stunning Islands of Raja Ampat which is an Indonesian archipelago in West Papua. We would deep-dive every day at least twice among sharks, oceanic manta rays, sea turtles, fire clams and a whole depth of biodiversity I don’t even know the names of.

Here comes the twist — I do not know how to swim to even save my own life! I cannot exaggerate enough on how much I love being deep in the water and it doesn’t even matter that I can’t swim because that’s how comfortable I am. This is me, I love knowing the unknown. I am curiously curated.

Is there one thing about your morning routine that you can’t live without?

Until recently I never thought of routines. But now I allow myself a big glass of water the moment I wake up. I then sit down quietly either on the bed or on the floor, close my eyes and give a few minutes of absolute silence. I won’t call it meditation because I think of the things I would like to accomplish for that day. I jot it down on my calendar and then I go about starting my day.

This small routine helps me be clear and slowly start off my day rather than being in a hurry and scattered from the moment I open my eyes.

What books have influenced your professional life the most and why?

Strengths Based Leadership by Barry Conchie and Tom Rath. It is a landmark study of great leaders, teams and the reasons why people follow. This is the book where the Gallup Clifton strengths test was born. It is an ever-evolving approach and I love it and recommend everyone reading it or taking the test and incorporating it in your workplace.

Besides this, Principles by Ray Dalio was a great read too. It is semi-autobiographical but he goes on to have practical excerpts on how to achieve greatness at work as well as in life.

From the book, Ray Dalio states:

“The best advice I can give you is to ask yourself what do you want, then ask “what is true” — and then ask yourself “what should be done about it.” I believe that if you do this, you will move much faster towards what you want to get out of life than if you don’t!”

What quality do you look for when hiring someone for your team?

I ask myself three questions after I complete interviewing someone besides sifting them through the technical aspects of the job and what they would need to do on a daily basis.

Was the person memorable? — If I do not have him/her on top of my mind very clearly, it is a problem. Given the nature of my job and industry, it is very important for you to make a lasting impression; a great one!

Did the person exhibit curiosity? — This is simple; you never know enough. You are constantly evolving, your surroundings are constantly evolving. Being curious makes it less of a task and more of an interest and that makes it easier to enrich your mind.

Was the person humble? — Humility and being humble is a very underrated trait. No matter how much success one has worked hard for, it is important to not be pompous about it. There is a subtle art of being grounded while achieving great things. This quality in my aspect is great for collaboration and building great team camaraderie.

What’s the worst advice someone’s ever given you?

“Your boss is always right”

This I believe is very cultural; to be in a hierarchical society or workplace. Not challenging the higher authority is the way to go in many countries. I believe everyone should be challenged if needed but in a healthy manner with practical examples and thorough analysis. Learning through various experiences and aspects is very important and key for success.

Is there anything that has improved your life since the very first lockdown? It could be an investment of money or time, or a new habit, a gadget.

Self-reflection and listening to my body and mind. It was always so easy to get distracted and not check in with myself on what is needed within me before covid hit all our lives. The lockdown has forced me to think and give time to myself. I am taking small steps to listen to what I need without any worldly influences.

One of the ways I do it is by long walks where I am not listening to any music or podcasts or talking to someone over a phone. It helps me feel refreshed and sort my thoughts and what is needed. It is so easy for me to walk 10, 20 km almost every day. Try it, you won’t be disappointed :)

What do you do when you feel stressed and overwhelmed at work?

Walking is my therapy and a great aide to sort my thoughts and save myself from being reactive. If time does not permit for a walk then I would say a quick power nap helps me to calm my nervous system down. When I wake up after 10–15 mins, I am ready to go!

If you were a marketing tagline, what would it be and why?

I am snatching it from Coca-Cola: “Open Happiness”

Why? Because Happiness is everything. If you are happy, you bring the best out of yourself and the best part? It is contagious! You spread joy and this helps to make someone else happy. Being happy contributes to great results both personally and professionally.

Where can people find you?

You will find me trying out various restaurants. I love food and I love great company. Friends, family and my dog are always reasons for me to be going out and about and enjoying the great world of gastronomy.

Alternatively, you will find me at the Travel & Lifestyle or Architecture magazine section of a bookstore. They are my escapes from my everyday life. I can sit and read magazines after magazines if time is not an element.



Jonathan Nyst
Marketing Dragons

Belgian marketing guy trying to bridge CeFi and DeFi. I talk about crypto, NFTs, personal development and professional growth.