A-Z Of Marketing — B is for Branding

Lydia Carrick
Marketing for Beginners
2 min readFeb 20, 2022


Photo by Dee @ Copper and Wild on Unsplash

Branding can help your company become instantly recognisable. Many people mistake branding for just being the visual elements, but it reaches across far more than that.

What is Branding?

Broadly speaking, branding consists of:

  • Colours
  • Fonts
  • Shapes
  • Slogans
  • Design styles
  • Logos
  • Tone of Voice

But it can also appear in how your business handles other elements. For example, the colours or style of photography, the quality of the packaging, the feel of the product all add to the brand of your business.

Brand can also go into the way your customer service team and sales people interact with staff. The way you greet them to the way their complaints are dealt with. Everything creates a brand image and brand perception.

Why is Brand Important?

Your brand tells a customer what to expect.

You can use it to align yourself with the competition, for example, Supermarket branded food will often use similar colours and images to more expensive branded options in order to convince customers to try their alternative, which is often more profitable to the supermarket.

Other brands use their branding and tone of voice as a unique identifier to set themselves apart from the competition and disrupt the industry. For example, at launch Brewdog’s branding was positioned so far away from what the standard ales and larger brands were doing. Fresh look as opposed to classic or old fashion design. They had a rebellious attitude, rather than a traditional look. They also advertised at younger markets, that the older, more established brands were ignoring.

Your brand tells customers what your mission and values are from a very first glance and allows them to form an opinion. Your brand won’t be for everyone, but if you try to market to everyone, you’ll market to no one.

Need help with your brand? A marketing consultant can help. Message me on LinkedIn or visit Lennie & Stan to find out more.

The A-Z Of Marketing

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Lydia Carrick
Marketing for Beginners

Lydia is a marketing consultant at www.Lennieandstan.com, helping small businesses and startups build effective marketing campaigns with tiny budgets.