3 Free and Unique Ways to Build Your Brand

Photo by INVICTUS Tailoring﹒sneaker socks on Unsplash

When you think of branding, what do you think about? It’s usually something expensive, right? It doesn’t have to be, if you’re smart about it. I’ll give you 3 tips on how to build it for free (that’s right, without paying any money).

  1. Keep track of your brand assets in Google Sheets. Many people use tools that cost monthly to keep track of their brand assets (logos, brand colors, brand fonts, etc.), but my company has a Google Sheets page that has our assets (plus our clients’) for a quick access to what we need. Plus, on my laptop, it’s in a Google Chrome folder, giving me even quicker access, and I have bookmarked a page with our main branding colors, so all I have to do is a quick click to see the two main colors we have (it’s basically memorized at this point, but it’s there to be sure I can access it quickly).
  2. Look up brand leaders in your industry. They’ve paid top dollar to get branding done. See what they’ve done well and what still needs to be worked on. Try to get ideas from what they’ve done well and improve on that.
  3. Keep things simple. This sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s true for branding. Don’t overstuff your homepage (or website menu), don’t make your logo over-complicated (unless it really is necessary), and keep your business model able to be told within one sentence. When you have that one sentence, it’s your elevator pitch and what you try to get the public to speak about your brand. That one sentence can become your brand’s motto, but make sure it keeps your niche in mind.

Whether these 3 things seem intuitive or new to you, you’ve certainly found something to help you with your branding. Which one helped you the most? Write it in a comment or add your own tip for free branding ideas.



Jeremy G. Woods - Agency Owner and Ministry Leader
Marketing for Entrepreneurs

I help Evangelical Churches grow and am President of a Christian ministry in Romania. Be sure to subscribe to get updates.