5 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Page

Photo by Allie on Unsplash

Have you tried growing your social media presence but not seen great results yet? Don’t worry, here are a few more ideas (some you may have tried, but try them again):

  1. Post regularly on Facebook. You don’t have to make a post every day if you plan out your posts every week or every month. Use a tool like Buffer to schedule out your posts ahead of time. If you batch your projects like this, you can actually save a lot of time rather than switching back and forth between tasks. Use a design tool such as Canva Team or RelayThat to design your graphics, and then add your own text to the post. If you don’t want to use Buffer, Facebook does have a function for scheduling your posts (but using Buffer can help you do several social media networks at once).
  2. Invite some of your Facebook friends to like your business’ page (don’t ask everyone necessarily, unless you want to). You’ll find that some gladly will like and follow your page to help you out. However, be warned not to purchase likes, as Facebook doesn’t like that (plus it means that your Facebook post engagement will be lower later down the road, not helping you due to Facebook’s algorithm).
  3. If you like to be in front of the camera, you can go live every day or every week in your Facebook page. If you don’t like going live, you can create a Facebook group where you’re the only person in it, and you can practice every day going live until you’re comfortable with it (credit to this incredible idea actually goes to Russell Brunson).
  4. Similar to the going live idea is something that I put on my company’s blog a couple of years ago. You can read that blog post here: https://www.faithventuremedia.com/blog/grow-your-list-exponentially
  5. This will sound very simple, you may not even try it, but Facebook gives you a lot of tools and options in settings. Make sure you go there and fill out everything you can. The more complete your profile is, and the more optimized, the more Facebook will know about your company, which can give it better visibility (this even includes filling out the Story section about how your company got started).

Hopefully, you’ve gotten at least one or two things you can do today to increase traffic to your Facebook page. Please let me know which one you liked the most, and also add one in the comments if you have an idea to help others as well. If you want a free Marketing consultation, you can get one here.



Jeremy G. Woods - Agency Owner and Ministry Leader
Marketing for Entrepreneurs

I help Evangelical Churches grow and am President of a Christian ministry in Romania. Be sure to subscribe to get updates.