3 Steps to Start Advertising on Facebook

Marek Hozák
Marketing for Small Businesses
5 min readOct 29, 2019

Facebook is the biggest social media platform in the world with over 2.4 billion monthly active users and still increasing every year. As more and more people and companies adopt online advertising it is easy to see why social media has become a key tool to help different businesses grow and reach new potential clients. It is impossible for up and coming businesses to ignore the importance of Facebook in this day and age. With a variety of different types of ads at your disposal from pictures to videos and many more which will help you reach new people and increase your online presence. The fact is being on Facebook can make your life much easier when it comes to online advertising. You just need to setup the right marketing plan and with the help of Facebook start growing your business.

So, if you are interested in advertising your business online. Follow these 3 steps to start advertising on Facebook.

Creating your Facebook page

This is very important. Your page is the face of your business online. It is what people will see first and help them decide if they are interested in what you are offering or not. Here are the key steps to setting up your Facebook page to get the best results.

1. Go to facebook.com/business/pages/set-up and click on create page.

2. Select Business or Brand and get started.

3. Enter the name of your business page, address and describe what you are offering. It can be from food to clothing and much more.

4. Upload your profile picture which should normally be your logo and make sure it is good quality and fits perfectly so you don’t get an awkwardly cropped picture.

5. Upload a cover picture which will appear in the background of your page and should represent what your business is all about. For example, a café would have a picture of their pastries, coffee or even their interior.

6. Once you are on your page click on add a button which gives your different options from contact, email sign up and even make a booking.

7. Add additional information about your business (website, email, prices, opening hours)

8. Invite friends to like your page to start building a community.

9. Start adding pictures, videos and blogs to your page and most importantly be active. Reply to people and give updates on everything that is going on around your business.

Process of creating a Facebook Business Page
Facebook Business Page

Setting up your Facebook Business Manager

Once your Facebook page is up and running its time to set up your Facebook Business Manager. This will allow you to manage everything that is going on with your accounts, pages, ads and the people working on them in one place. It will help you stay up to date and organized during the creation of marketing ads, pages and everything else to do with your online campaign. So, let’s get into setting up your Facebook Business Manager.

1. Go to business.facebook.com and click on Create Account.

2. Enter your business name and email.

3. Once you are on your Facebook Business Manager account click on the Add Page button

4. Select Add a Page you own.

5. Search the name of your already created Facebook page and add it. After doing that you should see a pop-up with a green check mark which means it was successfully added.

6. Similar to adding your Facebook page it is time to add your Ad Account by clicking on the Add Ad Account button that is next to the Add Page button.

7. If you don’t have an Ad Account already it doesn’t matter, just create a new ad account by clicking the Create Ad Account button.

8. Fill in the information and click Create Ad Account.

Process of creating a Facebook Business Manager
Facebook Business Manager

Creating your first Facebook ad campaign

Now that everything is set up and ready to go. It is time for you to run your first online ad campaign on Facebook through the Ads Manager tool. By using the create new audience feature you will be able to target a select group of people to ensure you find the right people who will love and appreciate what you are offering. This will allow you to target a core audience by gender, age, region and even language which will help you run a successful marketing campaign. So, let’s get started.

1. Click on the three-line icon next to Business Manager in the top left of the page.

2. Select Ads Manager.

3. On the left-hand side of the Ads Manager page click on Create New and fill in the information depending on your region and click the blue Continue button.

4. A pop up to create a new audience will appear, the more information you put the bigger the chance of reaching your targeted audience.

5. After continuing and filling in the rest of the information you will notice that on the right-hand side is a window called Audience Size which will give you a rough estimate of how many people you will reach daily and how many potential clicks you will get. This will help you gauge your campaign and if needed make necessary changes to it.

6. When finished you will find your ad in your Ads Manager homepage where you will be able to see important information about your ads such as reach, impressions and cost per result.

Facebook Analytics allows you to check variety of metrics that relate to your ad performance
Facebook Analytics

In conclusion your Facebook page is the face of your business. It is where you will post content and communicate with people. This is where people will most likely come to after clicking or seeing one of your ads.

Facebook Business Manager is like your “headquarters”. It will help you watch over and keep track of all your Facebook pages and advertising accounts.

Facebook Ads Manager is where you will be creating and managing your ads. It is 100% dedicated to advertising. Here you will set up your budget, select when to run ads, target your audience and analyze the results.

It may seem complicated in the beginning but once you get a hang of it you will be able to run different ad campaigns simultaneously which will help you grow your online reach.

Facebook Business Manager hierarchy
Facebook Business Manager Hierarchy

