How to Get a Ghost Writer for my Book- 10 Reasons to Hire a Ghost Writer

Sarah Ahmed
Marketing Funnel
Published in
9 min readMay 10, 2021


The Ghostwriting is a practice much more common than you think: legions of politicians, public figures and others of varying thickness authorities use it (but we do not know).

Do you think that these celebrities sit like ordinary people, bow their heads on the blank sheet and raise their pen with the elegant craftsmanship of one who makes writing their full-time profession? They will raise their smartphone to ear height and call their trusted ghost writer!

Even successful writers use it and it is said that if we actually knew how many best sellers have been written by ghost writers … we would simply be amazed!

But even if we are not at the level of Renzi , Volo, Vespa, Totti and Stephen King (some of the characters rumored to have a trusted ghost writer) hiring a ghost writer for our small or large publishing project could be the decision that could give the fateful turn to our profession, to our career and — possibly — to our life.

So here (in my opinion) the 10 reasons to hire a ghost writer even if you are not — yet — a famous person:

1. You have that book in the drawer…it wants to get out of the drawer!

Ghostwriter How long has that proverbial “ book in the drawer “ been there?
I know: you are there you think about it constantly, while you are in the car going to and from work, imagining scenes, twists, dialogues, settings, variations and variations on the theme and possible solutions to a narrative problem.

And I also know that you are there that “you tell it”, that you find excuses to postpone, that you say to yourself: “when I finish paying the mortgage”, “as soon as I settle down with this or that”, “now it’s a bad period at work “,” When the children go to university “or” find a job “…
But in your heart you feel that inspiration fades a little more every time a day passes without you having written a single line! Here in this situation destined for the saddest of outcomes, your ghost writer arrives to help you where humanly you just can’t do it. Your secret ally who will help you in your quest to make your dream come true!

Here is a nice idea: while you are there in the car that you go to or come back from work or during coffee breaks … record voice messages with the notes that come to your mind.
It will be up to your ghost writer to transform them into a cohesive, coherent and linear whole.
Make a book out of it!

2. You know what to say but you don’t know how to write it

Scripture — the one with a capital “S” is not for everyone. There are those who are good at talking, at entertaining people, there are those who are liked by everyone and who would know how to sell the famous ice cubes in Reykjavík. Writing is a talent and a profession. It is not just about “writing well” in an elegant and refined way, it is about transmitting a message in the best possible way in relation to our interlocutor / reference reader.
In the case of a ghost writer it is not only a question of conquering an ideal reader but also of “impersonating” a real author! As if those vowels and consonants and punctuations flowed directly from the soul of their client.
Do you remember the famous Michelangelo who had to do nothing but “get out” his statues from the marble blocks?

Here: the ghostwriter is the “sculptor” who has to bring out… the Author… from you!

3. The ladder for you is what you use to climb a little higher

Book ladder Writing a book is not just a matter of “writing well”, refined, elegant or communicating effectively in relation to a specific type of reader. A well-made book is made up of stylistic and narrative coherences , invisible structures and orders, paths that are just suggested to the reader but that the author must know like the back of his hand.

The finished and finished book is only the tip of an iceberg which instead is made up of work and an awareness that goes beyond it and encompasses it. It is these invisible elements that work when they are not noticed. But they still require a lot of back work. It is a skill that cannot be ignored if we want to provide a good service to our readers and if we aim for the success that our work deserves.

4. You have the idea, the style and the talent… but you don’t have the time!

Hire a ghost writer Everything is clear. The project is there, clear and crystalline, in your head. You wrote the first drafts and are also satisfied with how you wrote them. You know your project is the right one and you can’t wait to finish it… But…

But there are too many buts.

Children to raise, things to organize, passions to nurture and then — above all — your job is another! Maybe you are a web professional and your eBook is part of a strategic internet promotion project. Maybe you have an agile eBook in mind, a gift to give as an incentive to potential customers to subscribe to your newsletter …
But time? No matter how agile and fast the little book you have in mind, it still takes care to make it, it still takes time !

Here comes your ghost writer to help you and make you realize what alone you would not be humanly able to do. You take care of your business, let your ghost writer do your eBook!

5. Never postpone until tomorrow what you can have your ghost writer write today

Ghost writer for a blog. There are those who have talent, the idea and the time… but they lack one fundamental thing: discipline .

How do I understand you! But the regret of not having already managed to do what we could have done yesterday over the years accumulates and “gives us” that unsolicited “sense of urgency” that always wears out our days a little more. But now this vicious circle of postponement can finally end: from now on you have a ghost writer by your side to whom you can tell what to write.

5 minutes of your time will turn into complete and finished folders ready to be published, into articles that will fill your blog and that will give the right nourishment to your content marketing campaign (read “ SEO Copywriter“), In posts on Facebook and other interventions on social networks dedicated to keeping alive and growing your online presence!

6. You want to write and you can do it… But you don’t like it!
to write

As strange as it may seem to those who make writing their passion and profession, it must be admitted: there are those who really don’t like writing! And life is always too short to engage in an activity that we find unpleasant. Don’t waste the minutes of your precious existence doing things that may remind you of frustrating tasks you felt compelled to dedicate yourself.

7. You need ideas
find ideas, ghostwriter

Well, at least you got the idea of ​​writing a book (or eBook)… and I’m sure it’s a great idea!
And maybe your idea is being realized right now in a more structured way with beginnings, developments, twists, chapters, paths, etc. … Let’s say there is a clear hint, an overview … But sometimes there they really want ideas to solve steps, to link point A with point B, or to make sure that point C doesn’t conflict with point Z!

You may not know it but your ghost writer is a volcano of ideas!
Ask (your ghost writer) and it will be given to you!
Ask and … you will be given an idea.

Indeed no: dozens of ideas!

And then do you know the principle of brainstorming? The idea — even the most obvious and banal — that comes to us as an external input can give rise to the idea , the decisive one, the one that “how did I not think about it before”!
Courage then: what ideas do you need?

8. You have too many ideas!
too many ideas

And then there are the volcanoes of ideas! But if on the one hand having few ideas risks hindering our creative process, on the other too many ideas make us decidedly distracting and inconclusive (believe me: I know!)
Here is your ghost writer — who has a good past as a book editor — intervenes as that external person who mercilessly knows how to discard, eliminate, put on standby, give an order, develop, deepen, relate …
Your ghost writer is that person who knows how to show you which path to take when there are too many .

9. The beauty of your text is in your reader’s eye
beauty book

Lyrics are a bit like children. They are all beautiful! Only for us though! But if it is true that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” it is also true that “ every roach is beautiful to mamma soja “.

Let’s be clear though:

I’ll never tell you to believe an outside opinion — not mine and not even that of your ghost! — that contradicts by a single comma what you feel in your heart.

If you decide to believe in your dream, the first thing to do is to keep the gentlemen away!

Those who always have something to say, that nit to find, those who with exhibited intelligence manage to drop… their wings… even the most beautiful dreams.

On the other hand, a neutral and professional look could be exactly what it takes to transform a project with high hopes into a real editorial success.
You have to know how to distance yourself from your “children” and be able to look at them with the merciless eyes of the world to identify with extreme honesty their strong points but also above all their weak points!
And who better than the ghost writer — the writer who impersonating you becomes like you … but is not you — can help you in this enterprise of disenchantment, detachment and non-attachment worthy of a Zen monk?

10. A sense of order is not your forte
ghost writer

Inspiration is a blessing. Those blessed with inspiration will be able to find themselves independently in a palace or in a cave, on the beach of a desert island or in the middle of the delusional traffic of any megalopolis. However, he will live in his world, a world made up of ideas that want to take shape, stories that want to be told, words that want to be said or written.

But inspiration without a structure is like a painter’s palette without a picture to paint : a set of — beautiful — stains.

Here is your editor — oops… ghost writer! — arrives and helps you to give coherent shapes to your drawings, helps you to bring together all your ideas and inspirations in an orderly, balanced, holistic whole.
And the path of the reader then begins to take the form of a journey… adventurous, exciting, but without hitches.
And with a nice ending that will make your reader say: “Nice! I can’t wait to read the next one! “

Did I convince you then? No? Then you just have to express your doubts here or below in the comments .



Sarah Ahmed
Marketing Funnel

Digital Marketing and Social Media Savvy/ Writer love to write about current affairs and economic affairs/ Commerce graduate