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Want To Write A Book But Don’T Know How

Writing a book in a weekend: here’s how you can do it

Published in
8 min readMar 9, 2021


How many times have you thought: I want to write a book , how do I do it? Or, you thought you had the right idea and you exclaimed: finally, I will write my book! And then, what happened? Did you abandon the idea of ​​designing a novel because it felt like you were getting lost in a colossal work?

I’ve been through it too, but I didn’t want to give up, and what seemed impossible has now become my method. Attention, not a writing and storytelling course, but a practical method that can help you write a book in no time.

In 40 years of writing — I was born with a pen in my hand — I had never thought of such a thing. It was such a simple and extraordinary gimmick that, in short: I wrote a book in a weekend.

You can do it too and I want to show you how I did it.

Writing a book: the value of knowledge

Each of us is motivated by motivations: there are weak ones, which make us take small steps, and there are large ones, which make us climb mountains. After 16 years as a manager, I started all over again, to pursue my greatest passion: writing.

Writing as communication. Writing as a sharing of knowledge. And also writing as an income opportunity. Yes, because the word “earning” can also be wonderfully ethical and exciting, just like a good book.

I started with what I do for a living: I help people develop their online business. Much of what I do, and the gain I get, is due to my greatest belief: knowledge is power.

Knowledge is power.
Knowledge is not just knowing something, it is a lifestyle, it is studying continuously, growing, finding new paths, being careful in gathering useful information.

I can’t stand waking up in the morning and knowing the same things as the day before.

Seeking knowledge means seeking continuous improvement. As far as I’m concerned, a lot of this path goes through books. That’s why, writing a book means spreading knowledge.

If you want to know how to start writing a book you should consider your knowledge and what you are passionate about. What you know allows you (or has allowed you) to make effective decisions, to build solutions, to create opportunities and gain: knowledge has immense value.

Photo by Nejc Soklič on Unsplash

Books to write: start with your knowledge

Let’s dive right in and make some considerations. I guess you know how to do something very well. Are you a great cook? Do you know everything about the bicycle? Do you have a specific and almost unknown job? Maybe, design Christmas balls by painting plexiglass balls from the inside. In short, an artist!

Whatever you know how to do, keep it tight.

Think about how many times you’ve talked to someone, for hours and hours, about a topic you know. You will probably also be nervous, because you are passionate about the subject, you knew you were right, but they did not want to give it to you. Still, they know that you know that topic well.

Out of a thousand writing manuals, which want to teach you how to write a book, 999 tell you to start from your passions. There must be a reason. (By the way what is the missing book to get to a thousand? You tell me in the comments right !?) The fact is that your passion made you do a lot of research, it led you to know the details. It made you feel authoritative. This is good.

Passion is passion: interest is something very different

Usually, the problem that creates a barrier between you and the writing of a book is always a thought of this type: I know that subject very well but I can not write a book, I have never done it, I am not a genius of the writing. Yet you are able to talk about it for hours, and I imagine that many people often hang on your lips when you tell the things you know.

Because telling things is beautiful, and doing it among friends does not require huge big words, indeed when there is friendship, there is always a spontaneous and sincere communication, easy to understand because it is friendly.

Would you pay to buy and read a spontaneous, genuine book written by a person who has extensive knowledge and a lot of passion on a topic? Would you pay to learn useful secrets for your work or the development of your ideas?

I do.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

How do you write a book in a weekend: this is my method

Writing a book in a weekend seems like an impossible task, but you can do it. You don’t have to turn into a new Hemingway, but think about what you know and are passionate about.

You can talk about your topic with a friend, right? Well, invite him home for a snack, offer him a good coffee and let him sit on the sofa. You, standing up, start talking about that specific topic and record your voice.

Talk for at least an hour, you will see it is easier than you think and it will pass in a moment: you will have already written your new book. This is the whole method of writing a book. Incredibly simple: tweet it if you want!

Do you really want to #write a book? You just need a weekend.

It sounds crazy, because you’ve read that you should take creative writing courses, have special tools to write a book and structure the topic in a detailed narrative design. Everything helps to improve, there is no doubt about this. But you can do it now, just like I did. Indeed, if you are looking for traces to write a book, follow the link and read the in-depth study.

Believe me: 1 hour fluent is equivalent to 10, 12,000 words, even more. They are more than enough to write a book of 70–80 pages, exactly the kind of book useful to give specific answers without going into heavy and useless reading. It won’t be like writing a novel in 100 days, but it’s the right start. A simple and intuitive method, to achieve the goal and free yourself from the burden that weighs on your shoulders. Yes, you too can write your own book.

My first book “ How to write a perfect post” , written with this method, was derived from a chat lasting an hour and 20 minutes. I did it, it exists, there is. You can find it on Amazon (follow the link) and. has had very positive feedback.

Did your light bulb go on ?! I’m sure! We continue anyway:

Have the recording transcribed . You don’t need to do it if you don’t want to waste time. You can have someone you know do it, or use an outside service. Easy and quite cheap too;
Once in possession of the transcript, work on the structure of the book. The content must follow the appropriate logical thread and be contextualized to the objective of the book (which obviously you had planned in advance);
Have someone read it and start the editing / correction phase ;
If you are not an expert, use a professional editor , famous writers do too;

Create or have someone create the cover ;

Sell ​​your book online.
Mmm … I don’t see you convinced. Let’s move on, because you already have your book in hand, but I want you to be sure it works.

Writing a book: narrative design, basic steps and writing times
So far you would have only worked a few hours. Think about it: it is so. Here is the time it took me to write my book. So, I have:

null worked a morning to prepare a logical narrative design, a path to follow during the exhibition;
I talked for an hour and a half, in the early afternoon, then I let the transcriber leave;
translated the scheme in electronic format, to prepare myself to fill it with contents (2 hours — end of the first day);
waiting for the transcription (timed it took about 6 hours to transcribe everything);
split the transcription in the different parts of the book (1 hour);
reread and rewrote the parts in order to make them better, coherent and amalgamated with each other (All the second day).
Are you thinking about it? I know, that’s not all, yet I’m sure you’re smiling: it’s as simple as it is extraordinary.

Do you need an outline to write a book?

In fact, the most complex part of writing a book is not the writing phase. I talked about it far and wide also in my second book “Infoprodotti 2.0” published by Follie Letterarie.

Writing a book: Infoprodotti 2.0 book — large cover

This book has given me a lot of satisfaction. And I am convinced that your knowledge could also lead you to a similar result!
Infoproducts are information products that provide information on a certain topic: how a process, software or program to create a book works, how to solve a problem, “how to”; the info product is the answer to a problem that the buyer wants to solve.

As you may have noticed, in recent years that of “information” has become a real business, capable of creating on the internet an entire generation of entrepreneurs, or “marketers”, who have managed, in the most disparate ways, to make it a true and own source of income. In some cases, with numbers to make companies of very different sizes and complexities pale.

In general, instead of writing a book, I prefer to talk about “writing an infoproduct”, precisely to indicate that we are not talking about novels or short stories.

In the book, you will find all the information and steps necessary to create first-rate information products designed to solve people’s problems. From the representation of the initial idea, to the fundamental definition of the buyer personas , from the planning of the objectives to that of the contents, to their realization and drafting, to conclude with ideas and advice regarding the marketing necessary for the sale and promotion of the product.

With this book, you too can create your own info product. And above all you can sell it! Indeed, speaking of sales … Here is an interesting little thing🙂

Do you want to write a book and sell it?
There are secrets that no one tells you.




Natalie is a book editor who helps authors get their books out of their heads and into print. A former publishing house editor-in-chief