Ruixue Zhang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readOct 17, 2021


10 Reasons You Need A Digital Marketing Strategy In 2022

News Article: 10 reasons you need a digital marketing strategy in 2022


The significance of digital marketing has increased more significantly in the digital age than in the other decades. Therefore, the business world has quickly embraced digital marketing strategies as a useful tool for achieving their objectives. Improving the marketing strategy is considered vital and goes a long way in helping an organization achieve the set goals. This article focuses on the significance of having a digital marketing strategy and reasons why it captured my eye are discussed below.

One of the main reasons why this news article caught my eye is because it is not only timely but also relevant. The world we live in has become highly modernized, with endless innovation and technology ruling various aspects of our lives. People all over the world have become more reliant on the internet than before. The main reason why they depend on the internet is to seek information and handle their daily work. This increased reliance can be depicted by the huge number which is using different social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram. Hence, the increased number of social media users has propelled marketers to consider social media due to the huge fan base. Being the digital age, everything revolved around technology and digital marketing cannot lag behind. Companies which are utilizing digital marketing strategies are likely to be many miles ahead of their competitors. Therefore, they are entitled to a competitive advantage that ensures they achieve their set goals and objectives.

Also, the news article captured my attention because it listed the different kinds of marketing technologies that can be utilized by businesses. These technologies include company websites, mobile apps, Search Engines, social media company pages, email and automation, advertising, and digital partnerships with other digital companies. The above-mentioned technologies are the most applied types of digital marketing in the 21st century. A business can opt to consider either one type or various types of marketing technologies based on what they want to achieve at the end. However, a blend of various technologies is deemed vital because it reaches varied audiences. Most importantly, the article maintains that digital techniques cannot be really successful alone. Therefore, they need to be combined with traditional media channels such as direct mail, TV, and print media, as a share of multichannel communications. This part greatly captured my attention because it advises businesses on how they can combine digital channels with traditional media to succeed.

Furthermore, this article captured my attention because it provides the key steps which can help ensure that digital marketing strategy is optimized fully. What many business administrators do not know is that they can have a digital marketing channel but fail to gain maximum results. However, companies which utilize digital media effectively are likely to enjoy great results from social media marketing, email, or even search. The article sheds light on these steps by listing the challenges which most companies are facing towards real optimization of digital marketing strategies. Besides, many companies which are utilizing digital media effectively still can be missing chances for better integration or face challenges which they cannot address easily.

