5⃣️ most important things before creating a digital marketing strategy

Xiaotong Li
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readAug 1, 2022

Pay attention to the goal
To conduct digital marketing must pay attention to the marketing objectives, what do you mean by marketing objectives? It is their own this product intends to push through digital marketing to which type of people, and this type of people will become the marketing target.

Clear product positioning
Generally speaking, when we do digital marketing of their products, we need to clarify their product positioning at which level. And in different levels, we must correspond to different marketing objectives, so that the product can achieve the best results in marketing.

Pay attention to the way
To pay attention to the overall marketing approach of digital marketing, digital marketing is more ways to cover all aspects of digital. And the impact caused by all these ways is different. Different marketing methods correspond to different products of different nature and types are different. So to the first point, we need to clarify their product positioning is in what kind of positioning, and then according to the positioning, not only can determine their marketing objectives, but also determine their marketing methods. Choosing the right marketing approach will enable the overall digital marketing to have the maximum and optimal effect, and can also have a very positive impact on the marketing of their products.

The establishment of digital marketing assessment indicators
Digital marketing can not simply pursue a particular point but should be a comprehensive analysis of each point, using different digital marketing tools, the focus of attention will be different.
If it is Instagram, the number of fans is the most important, but user activity is more important, pay close attention to the structure of users, and focus on pulling in opinion leaders, and heavy active people. If it is APP, then just the number of downloads is not enough, the daily active users and user access behavior is the focus of the assessment.
The establishment of digital marketing KPI assessment indicators can help companies accurately measure the effectiveness of marketing and make timely strategic adjustments.

Emphasis on data
Data is the core asset of digital marketing, through digital marketing to obtain sales returns at the same time. More attention should be paid to data as a core asset. Data assets are not only limited to the user’s personal information but also a variety of consumer behavior, browsing traces, and structured or unstructured data obtained with more crawling means. Combine with big data analysis to understand your customers better, to guide the subsequent marketing plan of the enterprise.

