5 Content Marketing Impacts on Business That Every Marketer Should Know

Is content marketing really impactful for business?

Annisa Ardiani
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readApr 15, 2024


In the past decade, content marketing has been continuously growing and evolving. Google and social media platforms are the key players that have changed the game. People consume online content daily and engage with it, as proven by their increased screen time year over year.

What is Content Marketing?

According to the Content Marketing Institute, Content Marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and drive profitable consumer action, such as purchase. This includes blog posts, social media posts, e-books, podcast episodes, and videos.

Compared to traditional marketing, which is very hard-selling, content marketing offers a more enjoyable experience where people can learn about products and services before buying. Personally, I am more willing to listen to an advertisement in a sponsored podcast because it gives me relevant information on something that interests me in a pleasurable way.

I also enjoy reviews from beauty influencers who break down the products' ingredients and benefits. Not only do I get information on the product, but I also learn about the ingredients and even about my own skin. Now I know the best ingredients for my skin and can avoid skin damage from the wrong skin care products I use. Because I learned it from that particular skincare brand, I was also encouraged to try their product, which I perceived as trusted and knowledgeable.

There are so many forms of content marketing on the Internet, and this growth is not without reason. Content marketing is indeed a powerful tool for appealing to customers to buy.

Content Marketing infographic.

5 Important Facts on the Impact of Content Marketing on Business

There are numerous research on the impact of Content Marketing on business and here are five of them:

  1. Content Marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates about 3 times as many leads

I think this is the most important data for a business because it seems like a big deal—you pay less for a bigger return. One reason is that we use our own media platforms, such as blogs and social media, rather than buy placements from third parties.

2. 61% of consumer’s buying decisions are influenced by custom content

Personalized content is one of the most impactful strategies, as 78% of people trust a brand that delivers customized content. Once they gain trust in our brand, it will be easier for us to convince them to buy.

3. 93% of B2B marketers use content marketing

Apparently, content marketing not only works for B2C, but also B2B. Content such as infographics and blog posts will gain the trust of our potential business partner.

4. Conversion rates are nearly 6x higher for content marketing adopters than non-adopters (2.9% vs 5%)

The ultimate goal of a business is to get conversions, whether it is a purchase, lead generation, or visit a specific link. People who have consumed content marketing have proven more likely to do actions that we direct them to.

5. 82% of marketers who blog see positive ROI from their inbound marketing

Who said that blogging is dead? In fact, a blog is a fundamental platform other than social media that can be useful for customers to learn more about our product and even a channel to purchase our product.

Interesting stats, right? Do you have another insight on content marketing? Let me know in the comment section below!

Stay connected,




Annisa Ardiani
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Marketing, Travel, Fitness, and Education Enthusiast | A graduate student in Marketing at NYU | Social Media: @ardianicha | LinkedIn: Annisa Ardiani