5 Important Concepts For any Social Media Guru

Eva Khanpara
Marketing in the Age of Digital
2 min readApr 16, 2023

Are you looking to step up your social media game and become a true social media guru? In today’s world, social media is essential for any business or individual looking to connect with their audience and reach new heights. But with so many platforms and strategies, knowing where to start can be challenging. That’s why I put together this infographic outlining five important concepts every social media guru should know (I know I’m the best and you’re welcome).

Additional Tips:

All 5 of the above steps might seem basic but you would be surprised to know how often some brands miss one of these which makes their social media game weak. Along with all five of the above, let’s not forget marketing metrics. There are so many out there that it can be tough to choose the right ones. Therefore, it is important to study the best metrics for different social media platforms depending on your goals and audience and then make a decision.

KPIs from what I have seen are something that marketing teams struggle with the most because they can get confusing. However, if you keep all five steps from the infographic in your mind while forming a marketing plan and then choose the right metrics, KPI formation will seem like a piece of cake.

Let me know what you think about the Infographic and if my Social Media Marketing 101 helped any of you!



Eva Khanpara
Marketing in the Age of Digital

"Always seeking adventures". A marketing enthusiast pursuing a Master in Integrated Marketing at NYU!