5 important things brands should know for making COVID-19 strategies!

Zifan Chen
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readAug 6, 2020

The pandemic of COVID-19 has not only damaged the economy but has also forced the whole world to shift to the remote mode. People have to stay at home and have to study and work remotely. Due to this reason, people are paying more attention to the digital world which requires brands to create responding digital strategies to adopt this change. It is reported that the shift of ad budget from TV to digital will speed up this year in Handley’s article (May 2020). To create an effective digital marketing strategy, brands should know the following 5 important things.

Source: Google Image

Focusing on Content Marketing

Content is the core of digital marketing, especially in today’s situation. As people are moving their eyes more onto the digital world now, brands should come up with creative content to make the audience keep their eyes on brands more at the same time. 69.9% of marketers reported that they are actively investing in content marketing in 2020 (Perricone, 2020)

Content Marketing Investment Survey — Source: Hubspot

Other digital strategies always need the support of attractive content so that they could be effective, some digital strategies do not get a performance only because they do not have good content to earn the audience’s attention. Good content marketing not only increases the effectiveness of brand message delivery but also spurs a call to the customer’s action.

Polishing the SEO strategy

Good content makes people keep their eyes on your brand, but it equals nothing if the audience cannot find your brand at all. Therefore, SEO strategy matters. In today’s world, there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data being generated each day, to give a specific example, 95 million photos and videos are shared on Instagram every day according to Bulao’s article (July 2020). This number should be bigger than the previous prediction because most activities are happening on the Internet now. Among so much information, how could people find your brand? In this case, brands should cautiously polish their SEO strategies to increase the possibility to be seen by the audience, and this is the priority of digital strategy nowadays.

Making it mobile-friendly

The time spent on mobile devices of adults has already exceeded the time spent on TV in 2029, however, the pandemic has made this difference even 1 hour bigger than that predicted on average this year (eMarketer, 2020). This indicates that brands should increase their investment in mobile marketing but should also make their digital strategies more mobile-friendly. Mobile-friendly digital strategy not only means to have an effective mobile-oriented design of their owned media like their website and mobile apps but also means to make digital strategies match user’s habits of mobile devices. For example, video ads on mobile devices should not be too long since people already get used to short-videos.

E-mail is still working

Email marketing is not dead, it still one of the most effective marketing strategies now. According to eMarketer’s research on the most effective tactics in June 2020, 42% of respondents still believe that email is the most effective marketing tactic which takes third place among all tactics. I strongly agree with this opinion. People would use email to communicate with others more frequently than before since everything is shifted to remote mode due to the pandemic. Therefore, it increases the possibility that brands’ marketing emails to be seen and opened and it improves the effectiveness of email marketing indirectly.

Most Effective Digital Tactics vs Budget Allocation — Source: eMarketer

Be more cautious about user’s privacy

Since the COVID-19 is forcing everything to move to the digital world, the increasing population of Internet users will bring more attention to data privacy issues. Therefore, privacy will become a big focus and the call for data privacy laws will grow louder (FocalPointInsights, 2019). Brands should be more cautious while using customer’s personal data even though Big Data Analysis is the most popular marketing trend. The problems of abusing personal data are quite serious since the Data privacy issue will damage the brand’s reputation. Brands must know how to protect their customer’s data privacy and contain privacy professions in their digital marketing teams.

To conclude, the pandemic of COVID-19 has changed the world a lot but brands and marketer should always get ready to face changes since the market never stop to change.



Zifan Chen
Marketing in the Age of Digital

New York University, SPS, Integrated Marketing, Graduate Student