5 Mistakes To Avoid When Designing A Digital Marketing Strategy

Juliette van Winden
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readNov 24, 2019

We’ve all been there. Under the pressure to keep up with the competition and get out to market, we push out a digital marketing strategy that we realize afterward has a few fatal flaws. Sometimes we’re tight on resources, ill-informed, or under pressure to show results but at the end of the day, there are some things we just have to get right.

  1. Purpose: What’s the purpose of your campaign? It seems simple, but the amount of times I’ve encountered marketers who simply want to run something for the sake of putting activity on a log is mindblowing. Every channel that is activated, every dollar that is spent, and every piece of content that is produced needs to have a purpose. Without a clear idea of what we’re doing, measuring and how we intend to measure it, there’s little opportunity to adjust, analyze, but more importantly — show the ROI.
  2. Engagement: A strategy doesn’t start and stop with content push. It’s all about continuing the conversation between posts and key activation points. Brands need to win over the customer by meeting their needs and feeding them relevant information, but more importantly — having meaningful interactions. Whether that’s sending a personalized email or responding to a reply on Instagram, people want that H2H action.
  3. Picking a side: Recently, I was reading an article that interviewed the CEO of Restoration Hardware, Gary Friedman, on his marketing strategy. Since taking over the company, he’s ensured his company stays authentic to itself and to its customers. He says, “It’s when you try to get to the middle ground that you’re not anything to anybody. You’re just kind of a blur. You’re not memorable at all.” When we broaden our net too much and try to market to too many people, our message gets lost and goes flat. Stick to your audience and hit them hard.
  4. Missing out on mobile: The biggest thing I mention to clients is mobile. In 2018, over 58% of site visits were from mobile devices. Which is why I’m always baffled when I notice that there isn’t adequate mobile infrastructure like a mobile-friendly website or an app. Today’s customers are looking for easy access to information. And if you don’t have a functioning website they can view from their phone, you betcha they’ll be clicking goodbye.
  5. Overlooking social media: I used to be guilty of this, until I purchased a product an influencer posted and fell in love with it. The social media hype is real, and if it’s not part of your strategy you are missing out. In fact, 92% of millennials and 97% of Gen Zers look at social media as a top source to help drive a purchase. Within social media, there are options to promote & sponsor posts, market through influencers, do paid partnerships, release video ads, and more. Again, it’s all about connecting with the end-user, reinforcing brand recognition, and trust.

Finally, the biggest mistake is not having a digital strategy. If you already have on or are thinking of one — bravo! If not, we’re going to have to set some time aside to chat…



Juliette van Winden
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Life’s about giving and taking. I’ll give you my words, you take away what you wish. 26 y/o, NYC, B2B Marketing Manager, part-time Marketing Masters @ NYU.