5 Most Important Things for My Potential Client!

What I’ve learned from marketing in the COVID-19 crisis…

Ziyi Lyu
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readApr 25, 2021


Dear my potential clients,

No matter what industry you are in, you may have been through a difficult time in the past year and a half. Although marketers have taken "The only constant is change" as the “slogan” in the digital marketing age, it might have been even more challenging to face the dramatic and swift changes caused by the pandemic last year.

Now, the dawn is coming. With the COVID-19 vaccines roll out, we are becoming closer and closer to the next normal. Are you well-prepared to dive into the post-COVID-19 age? How would you like to shape your future digital marketing campaign? I want to share what I learned from the marketing in the COVID-19 crisis and am willing to give you a hand to win in the next normal!

#1 Mobile First! But don’t forget the offline touchpoints!

One good thing about COVID-19 is that it may have speeded up your company to put everything online since your customers have put more time on mobile! Ensure that you have integrated all your platforms with a consistent message, adapt the content features of different platforms, and provide an excellent user experience to make customers willing to buy!

Although more and more customers are becoming comfortable with digital, don’t forget or forgo the bricks-and-mortar stores (if your business has). Maybe use it as the experience hubs that offer services and encourage purchase across all channels. But don’t lose this precious face-to-face touchpoint to show your brand’s humanity to your customers!

#2 Understand your customer. Respect them & Love them.

Customers are not just potential buyers for your products, but real people need solutions to their problems. Use customer journey maps to know how to meet them and what do they need in different phases. See the world as customers do, understand them, show empathy to their problems, and tell them: “I know your problem, and I am here to help you.” Respect them and love them, so they will resonate with your care and love back!

#3 Content is the king! Engaging your customers with something they are interested in!

Although more and more digital platforms are available now and can collect various kinds of data, like Robert Mckee said, “Data is meaningless until interpreted in story form.” You still need amazing content to connect the emotional side with your customers and use storytelling skills to engage them.

Data can catalyze your content marketing! Please use the measurement data (like likes, comments, time spent)to know what your customers like, and change your content with these insights to engage your customers better!

#4 Always have a curiosity for learning new things.

Things are changed so fast in this digital age. Tik Tok, Clubhouse, live streaming, new mediums and marketing modes have sprung up in these years and reshaped the marketing world swiftly.

So, no matter what condition your business is in, don’t be satisfied with the status quo. Always have a curiosity for learning new things and know the latest trends! Whether you would like to join it or not, catch up with what’s happened in the digital age, how people reacted to it, then decide whether to use it as a strategy and use it to add value to your brand!

#5 Changing, adapting, and evolving to the marketing world agilely.

Please don’t just simplify your marketing campaign into a one-size-fits-all formula; Please don’t believe that your old success strategy can help you win in the future as well. Like I’ve mentioned in the №5 thing, things changed so fast in the digital age, it’s so hard to forecast the next trend, what people are crazy about, and what digital marketing strategy is no longer valid anymore. The only thing that could help you win is the mindset of always learning and constantly growing with the changes. And change, adapt, and evolve to the changes in the marketing world agilely.

If You Have Any Interests, Please Connect With Me!

If you are interested in my ideas and want to discuss them with me or keen on me and (maybe) would like to be my very first client, please don’t hesitate to connect me through this blog or LinkedIn! I would feel highly flattered to know your thoughts or help you with your future marketing strategy!

Looking forward to hearing from you & See you in the next blog😉!



Ziyi Lyu
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU Integrated Marketing Student | Interested in Art, Culture & Entertainment