5 Things I Love About You, Marketing

Anthony Guerrieri
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readApr 26, 2020

COVID-19 has shaken the world and virtually every type of industry that currently exists. From hospitals, music labels, and even landscaping companies; the virus has shaken the basic foundations that have held each high. Now, businesses have found themselves on an unlikely pedestal in these times of hysteria, with all eyes observing how these huge money making corportations are handling their employees and assets. Observing this as a marketing student is profound just as it is preplexing and at times, horrifying. Here are 5 important factors I would consider if I were to create a digital strategy for a client in this day and age:

Take into consideration your audience. No really, think realistically about this one. Your audience is the most important factor when considering a digital marketing plan, make sure that you know them well enough to make a smart targeted campaign that fits their persona. Moreover, your audience wants you to care, especially during these times. You will be judged and scrutinized by how you handle your brand image in the face of a pandemic like COVID-19. Are you a business that truly cares, or are you still going to shamelessly cash in to help your business stay afloat? These are all things that are reflected in a digital marketing campaign. Make it matter, and do the right thing. Your audience will be quick to judge and scrutinize otherwise.

Key performance indicators are key (no pun intended). A marketing strategy has an end goal, otherwise it would just be a game. KPIs help marketers and businesses keep track and make sure goals are being met so that a campaign will be successful. The hard part is recognizing which KPI’s are appropriate and represent key target areas that will help you understand what is working and what needs improvement.

Content, content, CONTENT! This is a no brainer. If you’re not thinking about the content, you’re not a very good marketer. The best brands are the ones that are always cleverly telling a story with their brand. From Glossier to Gucci, these brands have content that only add to their story and image. SEO and analytics are important in figuring out where to take your content, but it takes a creative mind to marry science and art to make something that stands out among competition. As stated earlier, think about the audience. “Is it appropriate right now, is it relevant?” These are just some questions one should ask before creating effective content that will resonate with consumers.

Be realistic. I am a dreamer sometimes, I can admit. If I had it my way, I would have campaigns written across the sky and on every screen in Times Square. Obviously, this isnt realistic at all. Now more than ever, it is important to be realistic and smart about where you take your campaign. As I stated earlier, knowing your audience and KPIs is important in keeping your campaign firmly where it needs to be in the digital landscape. Throwing unnecessary money behind outlandish tactics may throw off all involved and may not help towards your endgoal. Keeping a plan realistic keeps the team on track and focused.

But, be a little flexible! Being realistic is important, but things do not always go as planned. Thinking ahead of these factors will only help keep the campaign and team on the same page when things need to make a sharp U-turn for better or for worse. Making a schedule that has “blank” spots on your timeline to fill in as you go along with a campaign is a technique many marketers uses for deadlines to make sure there is ample time to finish certain projects. This also allows for some room to incorporate things like viral articles from competitors, new technologies, or even a global health pandemic!

