5 Things I’d Like to Inform You About Digital Marketing in the Current Era

Zhexuan Zhao
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readApr 23, 2021

The world has profoundly changed with the rapid emergence of the COVID-19. This pandemic has put almost all businesses to their knees and forced them to adjust to the new condition under which the world is developing now. In fact, the world is characterized by the presence of economic disruption and financial chaos. With the pandemic, most industries have been impacted by the crisis, and the digital marketing sphere is not an exception in this case.

Essentially, digital marketers, web designers, as well as developers have found themselves busy with adjusting the previously developed digital marketing tactics to the newly available online opportunities. Notably, SEO, content marketing, email marketing, newsjacking, and social media are the elements that should be efficiently considered in the era of coronavirus pandemic to meet both clients and consumers.

The Rise of Content Marketing

An important aspect to mention is that the COVID-19 crisis has impacted content marketing less than other sectors. In particular, examining the effects of the coronavirus crisis on separate marketing branches shows that content is the least impacted one.

At the same time, the annual research on content marketing conducted by Content Market Institute demonstrated the unique role of content digital marketing by pointing to the fact that nearly 68% of top performers utilize content marketing to build a database. In contrast, about 84% of the most efficient content marketing tactics put their emphasis on content to enhance user loyalty to the brand as well as enhance the established link with the public.

Making Investments in SEO

SEO is highly significant right now because, in the era of the coronavirus pandemic, Internet use has become the highest than ever before. Essentially, marketers perceive this strategy as the most cost-effective as it assists in finding content and the subject matters in which the audience is interested. The availability of information on the Internet now offers an opportunity for businesses to evaluate them and successfully apply for the optimization of their brand strategies. Remember, SEO is not an expense; it’s an investment.

Email Marketing

No surprise, email marketing strategy is also on its rise and demands efficient consideration of the appropriateness of the content offered to the audience. Furthermore, the use of this strategy requires some things to consider. I think, however, avoiding email content oversaturation with COVID-19 data is what is needed first. Notably, people are fed with coronavirus news and are unwilling to hear repetitive data unless information on campaigns supporting pandemic attempts is offered to them. The potential consumers are also unwilling to experience exhaustion due to the high number of emails sent to them, even if they face isolation and stay at home. Finally, marketers should mind that their consumers’ experiences might have greatly changed because of the pandemic.


When the iPhone 6 Plus launched in 2014, many people complained about how the device bent when kept in their back pockets. It became quite a bit of news in the tech world, and Kit Kat was quick to pounce with a witty tweet.

As an art of injecting one’s ideas into specific breaking news, newsjacking has received much attention in the pandemic era. Newsjacking allows the insertion of their key messages into the narratives that are embedded in the news cycle. However, not all brands were lucky as the KitKat. This strategy is characterized by a number of risks as many brands have strived to take advantage of Hurricane Sandy, Syrian conflict tweets, and the Egyptian revolution for promoting their goods and services but not all succeeded. Evidently, newsjacking is a delicate thing, but when used efficiently, it can bring fruitful results.

Social Media

Social media platforms have been turned into the core source of information that users utilize when being isolated from external reality to survive this crisis. In fact, social media is now acting as a catalyst, which means that Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages should always be active. These aspects should be elaborately considered when using digital marketing strategies for developing business brands.



Zhexuan Zhao
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYUSPS Graduate Student Integrated Marketing. A Blog Beginner.