9 Seconds to fascinate the world

Hannah Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readMar 6, 2023

Please go and watch Sally Hogshead’s Ted Talk, you will have a better understanding of what I am talking about here. Since the 9-second attention span, a little introduction may influence a huge step later.

Sally reveals 7 triggers of fascination which are Power, Passion, Mystique, Prestige, Alarm, Vice, and Trust. That is so fun to dig into these triggers, and I did the fascination test to know more about my fascination with the world.

“Once you know what makes you valuable to others, you’re more authentic and confident, and more likely to make a positive impression.”

When I was taking the fascination test, there are about 20 questions and five scale options each question from less likely to very likely. I felt a bit difficult to determine the degree of how I felt this, some errors may be between my choice of neutral, likely, and very likely. But I made all decisions at the first impression.

My archetype is the Mastermind

This means I have the strength to motivate teams to action, this is an accurate description of me. My friends said I always have the power to motivate them to do something they want to do, which is a quality I love to do.

My primary trigger is POWER and the second trigger is MYSTIQUE. The POWER means I can make complex decisions with big implications. The MYSTIQUE means I communicate selectively and purposely.

Is that TRUE?

YES. Some characteristics just describe who I am, to be honest.


I am an independent girl, who just wants to depend on herself and can take care of herself well. Not afraid to die alone.

Methodical in communicating

With a relatively high Emotional Intelligence, I know what’s appropriate to talk in the right time. So I do have a few methods while communicating.

When I speak, People listen

I don’t like to talk about unnecessary things, so I always chat about something interesting for all of us. In other cases, I don’t speak a lot.

Keep my eyes on the long-term goal

I always keep the same long-term goal and adjust my short-term goals from time to time.

I execute according to the plan

Planning my To-Do list is my favorite thing during the day or week. I could know what I gonna do and how to arrange my time in good order. To avoid time conflicts or lateness, a plan helps a lot.

Able to take in a lot of data

Analyzing messes is kind of fun for me, and I like to organize them better. Not afraid of data, even love to read data to find some specialties.

Solve complex problems with a strategic approach

Love making decisions and solving problems.

This fascination test helps me to acknowledge my fascination with the world. There are some instructions for me to communicate better and fascinate people quickly. Appreciate Sally for doing all the analysis for us, it works a lot!



Hannah Yang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Marketing with Digital emphasis in University of Georgia - Marketing in Data Analysis in NYU - Lots of marketing, music, food, self-discipline, and better self