A Different Personality Test — Fascination Advantage Assessment

Xingyu Jiang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 21, 2021

Hi guys~

How’s your week? It’s our weekly chat time again and I’m glad you are here. This week I did a very interesting personality test which I want to share with you guys.

What is it?

Sally Hogshead, creator of the Fascination Advantage and the Anthem Method

The test is called Fascinate Test. It is invented by Sally Hogshead. This assessment is based on science and millions of participants. Furthermore, Fascinate test is different from the personality test I did before. It will help you to know how the world sees you.

How do I feel bout this test?

I do enjoy the whole process of The Fascination Advantage Assessment. And I will talk about it in the following aspects. Firstly, this test consists of 28 questions and they are pretty straightforward. It only takes me about 6 minutes to complete. The whole process is smooth and efficient. Secondly, I think the test result is accurate. It is very similar to what I expect. Thirdly, this assessment not only tells you your personality but also tells you how to apply your personality at the workplace. Fourthly, the result report also provides analytics about your personality compared with millions of others who have taken the Fascination Advantage Assessment. Fifthly, it’s convenient to download the full version of your assessment report and the content on it is very comprehensive.

My Assessment Report

My archetype, primary and secondary advantage

My archetype is INTRIGUE. The report also shows that my primary advantage is passion and my secondary advantage is mystique. How does the world see me? It said I’m discerning, perceptive, considerate, selective, warm and cool.

Did it feel true to me?

I think to some extent, the answer is yes. I do feel the result is similar to what I expected. For instance, in the report, passion and mytique are primary and secondary advantages. And it also describes passion as the language of relationships, mystique as the language of listening. Most of my friends told me that I am a good listener. And they are willing to make friends with me is because it seems like I always have something to happy about. This feeling will infect them and they will become happy too.

The benefits of Fascinate test. How to apply it in the career?

We all know that nowadays, the working environment is crowded and full of competition. It’s important to leave your employer a good impression. How to do this? Firstly, you should understand the impressions you made to your co-workers or employers. In the past, sometimes, I forced myself to do something I’m not good at because I think maybe it is good for me. However, based on his report, I learned I should find more opportunities to apply my top advantages and do more of what I am already doing right.

Recommend this test~

You will know how the world sees you.

Thank you.

