A Filter Detox

Han Nguyen
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readOct 17, 2021

Yes, a Filter detox, you read that right.

Statistically, 90% of young women use filters or edit their pictures before posting on social media. Knowing myself, my friends and family members, I would say 90% is pretty accurate. A filter detox is something we all probably need at some point whether we like to admit it or not.

In this highly digital age, everything can easily be edited so professionally on our phones. Altering photos can range from adding a full face of virtual makeup, making some facial alterations to just simply just removing a few blemishes. Filters and photoshopping apps have grown to be so accessible that they have become a crucial step for the majority before posting on social media.

In recent years, it has become apparent that social media has a negative impact on body image and mental health. ‘Like’ it or not, using social media can cause anxiety, depression, and other health challenges.

What’s CVS Filter Detox?

CVS Filter Detox is… a filter. Ironic, I know. Launched on World Mental Heath Day, October 10, CVS Health encourages people to ditch beauty filters and alterations in this latest digital campaign. The campaign invites all TikTok and Snapchat users to take part in the #CVSFilterDetox journey and go filter-less for 10 days.

Unlike conventional filters, this Filter Detox puts a heavy face of makeup on you and as you raise your hand, it removes enhanced facial features and makeup to reveal your true, unfiltered self. An Uno Reverse on the typical beauty filters, if you will.

This filter got the attention of both big and small content creators, getting them to participate and take a pledge to take the 10-day Filter Detox. The message of the digital campaign itself is equally important to non-content creators as this breaks the cycle of constantly seeing “perfect” and polished influencers online, who tend to set unrealistic and altered beauty standards.

Why a Filter Detox?

Because all the “flaws” like ance, body fat, cellulite… are normal. Because mental health matters. Because we should not compare ourselves to “flawless” people we see online every 10 seconds or feel the need to edit our pictures to make them look a certain way and fit a certain beauty standard.

Women’s Health Mag

Before the age of digitalization, young adults encountered highly altered photos of models and celebrities only in magazines and newspapers. Nowadays, these images are literally only a thumb-scroll away on their screens at any given time. There are hundreds and thousands of apps that provide us with curated filters, airbrushing, teeth whitening,… that are so incredibly easy to find and use. We now live in a world where it’s not only celebrities and models who look perfect, it’s everyone.

Sadly, CVS’s Filter Detox campaign does not get the attention that it deserves or go quite as viral as the other beauty filters did. Though it is only a 10-day long Mental Health Day campaign, I absolutely love the message and hope it will reach and inspire other people as it did me.

I hereby pledge to join the CVS’s Filter Detox! Let’s help spread the message. Join me and let’s take on this Filter Detox together!



Han Nguyen
Marketing in the Age of Digital

M.S. Integrated Marketing @ NYU SPS. Here to share and learn the endless possibilities in digital marketing!