A Good Combination of Introvert and Extrovert

Yi Zou
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJan 30, 2022

For me, the most challenging part of growing up is figuring out who I am. And so far, the answer is I am a good combination of introvert and extrovert, and this conclusion includes a long process of understanding and accepting myself.

If you are interested, please let me introduce myself first.

Hi everyone, my name is Yi Zou, and I was born and raised in Shenzhen, China. When I was in high school, I would never consider myself an introvert. On the contrary, I was outgoing and cheerful, always out with my friends. Then, when I was having one of the most beautiful years of my life in college, I gradually realized that after frequently going out and chatting, I didn’t feel energized; instead, I felt worn out. I recognized that what I needed was some time and space to be with myself, restore my energy, contemplate, absorb knowledge, and enrich my thoughts.

So, here we go!

The introvert Yi loves to explore different topics at home by herself with a cup of coffee. The topics will vary from the Sumerian Civilization to different breeds of dogs, photography, various cuisine, marketing cases, makeup, travel, and the list goes on and on. And she enjoys so much of those peaceful quiet but fascinating moments alone.

The extrovert Yi also enjoys talking! She loves to communicate with people! She loves exploring the city with her dear friends, finding the delicious restaurants, and shooting the beautiful fall in Central Park. And more importantly, listening and exchanging thoughts with her friends. And she kind of enjoys the heart-pounding moments when she is presenting.

Huge fan of instant noodle😬
and durian
and durian..
and dogs, especially Samoyed!!

Why blogging?

As much as I consider myself more as a PowerPoint/ presentation type of person instead of writing, I acknowledge that writing is an excellent way to express ideas logically and thoroughly. To achieve a terrific and comprehensive blog needs lots of effort, such as finding research, organizing words, being intriguing to keep audiences, etc. However, the most difficult part for me is how to explain a complex insight concisely. In my undergraduate degree, professors always requested us to write an extended essay, generally around six to seven pages. In my opinion, it is actually easier than writing a 500-word blog because it enables me the freedom to explain my idea detailedly.

Nevertheless, in our time, people generally lose their interest quickly, so I believe being a concise, accurate, and interesting content creator is challenging but also a good way to prepare myself as an excellent marketer. As a result, I will gradually grow into a more mature content creator with strong statements in the next few weeks. Moreover, I plan to include marketing insights across different industries too, for example, car, luxury, e-sport, food, technology, etc. In this way, I can step out of my comfort zone and try to discover some of my unfamiliar fields.

I believe that blogging can help me grow, and I will be more than pleased if you can see some exciting views or learn something from my blogs, too.



Yi Zou
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Grad Student at NYU-Integrated Marketing • Branding • Communication • Market Strategist • Life • Travel