A good website UX will make our life easier

Angela Zhou
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readFeb 13, 2023

Covid-19 has changed our world; more people rely on online shopping. As a result, online websites have become more and more critical for e-commerce businesses.

In today’s world, many people are using Apple products, and Apple has become one of the biggest smart device suppliers in the world. Bet many of us have bought from their home page.

Buyers make most decisions by relying on their two-second first impressions based on stored memories, images, and feelings.” -Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

First impressions are always one of my main considerations of whether I want to know more about this brand/product. We judge the product by their packaging if it is pretty; we judge people on their first look if they wear clean or not; we judge a restaurant based on this looks clean or pictures of its dishes. As we can see how important the first impression to us.

So what is Apple website looks like

When you open Apple’s website, you can see a clean hero image of Rihanna right now. On the top, which navigation menu their main product category, which gives apparent direction to the customer which is very user-centered and easy to use.

The current hero image is eye-catching because of the upcoming super bowl and Rihanna herself. However, it is just a simple image intro for her and Apple Music. Of course, her fans will be attracted to use Apple Music, and does not have to overthink doing extra action. Since I have a Mac, when I click on the Apple Music image, it directly opens the Apple Music on my laptop. Which is very convenience for user to use the app directly.

When you scroll down, we can see that one of their most popular products, the iPhone, has two huge images. They make these orders on purpose to show what is the most important event right now and what is the main selling product. A few weeks ago, the iPhone was on the top because that was their newest product.

The website design is straightforward, and I think it follows the concept of “less is more”. Even in the different product lines, it stays with the same style of big product pictures and simple words to show off the core advantage of the product.

The design appears on the smartphone looks no different from the website. The Hero Image shrinks to fit the screen size and cut the unnecessary edges. The navigation bar is on the top right. You need to click it in order to go to the product list.

Why they have BLUE here?

The major color of the website is BLACK and WHITE, the buying bottom is BLUE, and when you click on one product, it always shows on the top right. Blue is a color that lets people feel reliable and has a higher chance of purchasing.

Do you like AI customer services?

One thing I think I did not find was AI chat robots. When I clicked support, it lead me to different product category and different problem, which is very detailed. But I do like to speak/text with real agent because they can be more professional and personalized in answering my current problem.

I don’t know about you, but I hate pop-ups…

What I really like is there is no POP-UPS, I did get annoyed about all pop-ups. In general, the website is straightforward to use, clean, and only shows what is important, just like the Product, easy, friendly, high tech. I tried to connect the customer support at a different time in the day. I would suggest that it will be better to have an easy AI customer if the customer only has simple questions, AI chat might be able to handle it, and the customer will not need to wait in line for an agent.

I am looking forward to learning more great UX designs so that I will be able to use in my future business.

