Activia—well-being starts in the gut

Mingyu Fang
Marketing in the Age of Digital
4 min readFeb 20, 2022

Activia is a brand of yogurt owned by Groupe Danone and introduced in France in 1987. As of 2013, Activia is present in more than 70 countries and on 5 continents.

As probiotic pioneers, Activia believes that well-being starts in the gut. They provide delicious probiotic yogurts and drinks that help support gut health. For the past 20 years, Activia has been pioneering probiotic research. Each product contains the live cultures as well as billions of our exclusive live & active probiotics. Activia helps consumers focus on their gut health with delicious probiotic products.

Activia Yogurt

Website for desktop devices

Activia’s web interface design and UX align with their theme and core values, allowing consumers to feel the element they stand for — wellness

The website UX is generally smooth and nice. It applies the brand color, which is light green as the theme color of the website, and the main functions are well categorized up above, which makes it easy to navigate through the website. The green theme runs throughout the page. In addition to green, its adjacent color yellow is also used in small areas. The combination of these two colors brings a natural and fresh feeling, which fits perfectly with the wellness theme advocated by Activia. The elements such as vegetables and green skirts in the picture on the homepage echo the main color of the brand, further strengthening the feeling of health.

Website For PC

On the homesite, there was a promotion activity advertised, with attractive product pictures. It uses obvious headings to classify the steps to join its activity and has hyperlinks going directly to the activities. Activia’s products can be easily found through the “Biotic Drinks” banner. The products are arranged in each row and two columns, with text introducing the main selling points of the product and pictures. This makes it easier for readers to quickly understand different products. Click the expand button to also see products categorized by product line and function, including daily healthy drinks, low-fat drinks, probiotic smoothies, yogurt, and drinks. These categories highlight product names and features in large print. However, the packaging of these products is very similar, and the introductory text is very small, so the functional difference is not obvious.

Product Category

Click on each product category to see the specific introduction page of the product. This interface is very friendly, you can choose different flavors through different colors, such as pink for strawberry, yellow for mango, and purple for Prune. Both package size and serving size are listed, as are specific ingredients. Consumers can easily get the information they need. Immediately below the product introduction, is a FAQ hyperlink module. This hyperlink points to an introduction to Activia Probiotic Drinks, as well as some common health and dosage issues. This design is very reasonable because users are likely to have doubts about “probiotics” and their efficacy after learning about the product. However, the product does not provide a direct link to purchase. When you understand the product, you need to enter the purchase page through the “Online Purchase” at the top of the website. Due to geographical restrictions, there are no Activia stores around me. I had to submit my address form to apply for online shopping. That’s inconvenient for potential consumers, and it could also drive Activia away from online customers.

highlight product names and features in large print

Website for mobile devices

Overall, the UX experience of the mobile version is good, continuing the brand theme in web design. The page is dominated by green and yellow, and pictures of the main products can be seen. The home page is also a promotion activity, which obviously optimizes the display mode and the information is more concise.

Mobile Website

The mobile version website is scaled down to a size that is friendly to mobile users. Compared with the desktop version, all the upper buttons are folded with a small button and are placed on the right side. The Mobile version website has all the features of the desktop version, but with a more minimalistic display. It can be seen that the picture is adjusted from a horizontal rectangular display to a vertical rectangular display to conform to the aesthetics of the mobile terminal. Each page is consistent with the desktop version, the content is the same, only the display is adjusted to be more in line with the usage habits of mobile users. In the mobile version, there is no additional requirement for cookie authorization or location authorization, and the page is simpler.

With our great taste, new product innovations, and our firm belief that it all starts in the gut — we craft each product to help support your gut health*.——Activia



Mingyu Fang
Marketing in the Age of Digital

Digital Marketing • Grad Student @NYU — Integrated Marketing • Pet Lover • Game Lover