Always the Diplomat

Jarisa Mora
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readJun 12, 2022

There’s nothing I love more than being able to categorize myself. I’ve taken every personality test I can get my hands on, and I absolutely love astrology (I’m a Gemini sun, Virgo moon, and Sagittarius rising). I like learning about myself and being able to put certain aspects of myself into words, so of course I was excited to take the Fascinate test and find out even more.

My Results

I took the test, and found out my archetype is “the diplomat,” which means my primary trigger is trust and my secondary trigger is prestige. Reading more about it, I found out that this means people with this archetype are seen as levelheaded and capable, and that they’re reliable people overall. When it comes to work, they produce quality results because they’re very detail oriented and value doing things well. They also make good leaders because they’re fair and reasonable, and they lead by example; they hope that their good work inspires others to do good work as well.

However, they’re not good with surprises and thinking on their feet because they’re so used to thinking things through before making decisions. They also may have a hard time thinking outside of the box because they’re used to relying on conventional wisdom.

Is This Accurate?

Not to sound boastful, but this is spot on. I’ve always thought of myself as a very practical and dependable person. I’m more reasonable than I am emotional, and I try to make decisions and move forward without letting emotions affect my decisions. I try to be as fair as I can be, and I am rarely impulsive. I like to have a plan and stick to it, and I rarely stray from my set routine.

Does this make me sound boring? Maybe. But it’s important to me that my work speaks for itself because I believe that the things you do speak on the kind of person you are, and I always want to leave a good impression. It makes me a good leader who is sometimes a bit bossy, but that’s because I can trust myself more than others, and I know that when I do something, I’m going to do it right.

Connections to Other Personality Tests

Once I saw “the diplomat,” I was immediately reminded of the Myers Briggs personality test and my result of ENFJ, also known as the protagonist. This personality type is classified as one of the diplomats, which aligns with my Fascinate test result. I also thought about astrology, and how I have a Virgo stellium, which means I show off strong Virgo characteristics. Virgos are known as logical, practical, and reliable, which again coincides with my archetype. It’s cool to see that with all of these different methods of classification and their different components, all of my results relate.

How I Apply My Archetype

Knowing that I’m “the diplomat” will be incredibly helpful in work and in my personal brand. Since I know that people trust and respect me, and that I am trusted to create quality results, I can use this to my advantage and build strong relationships. In the workplace, it helps my bosses and coworkers know that they can come to me for practicality and honesty, and it helps me do the same in my personal life. By building strong relationships and delivering on the trust that others have in me, I can go far.

After taking this test I can see that if I’m one thing, I’m definitely consistent. I guess it makes sense that I’m the diplomat, huh?



Jarisa Mora
Marketing in the Age of Digital

NYU grad student studying Integrated Marketing. Passionate about intersectionality, communication, and all things New York.