Am I Really The Catalyst?

Anna Hursky
Marketing in the Age of Digital
3 min readOct 2, 2022

Surprise, surprise, I’m a total extrovert. My personality archetype is The Catalyst, your quintessential open (and frequent) communicator. My Primary Advantage is Passion, and my Secondary is Innovation. I’m no stranger to personality tests. According to the Myers-Briggs test, I’m an ENFP. I expected something similar with this one. I shared my results with my mother, she reminisced about how I was the chattiest child she’s ever met. Even striking up conversations with random people. I’ve always been people oriented and eager to make connections everywhere I go.

My Primary Advantage: Passion

This fits me quite well, as I frequently find myself enthralled by many things that pique my interest. I’m also extremely expressive. If I’m not communicating verbally, I’m communicating with facial expressions. Especially if I’m in a comfortable environment, this just spills out of me.

“With a primary Passion Advantage, you are most likely to contribute when emotionally involved”

This does present a challenge for me, as not everything I must do has room for that. To deal with this, I try to find something to be enthusiastic about in any project and task I’m involved in. Of course, per the description, so long as there’s room for creativity and not too monotonous.

My Secondary Advantage: Innovation

I never thought myself to be a particularly imaginative person. I’ve always preferred non-fiction over fiction. When thinking of creativity, the first thing that comes to mind are the Arts, which I’ve never been good at (though I’m an avid fan of off-beat music). I’m becoming more aware that creativity comes in many forms, which includes ideas. I have a lot of them running through my mind, and I aim to work on improving their application.

I saw RuPaul Charles mentioned here as a famous innovator. I felt a small jolt of excitement. I have a personality trait in common with the person who created Drag Race, the show which helps remind everyone to be unapologetically themselves. Sweet.


My Dormant Advantage: Mystique

I’m a total open book! Though, I often worry about over communication and silently kick myself when I take up too much space. My challenge in self growth is to accept and refine these traits. I really enjoy sharing my thoughts and ideas with my peers, just as much as I enjoy hearing theirs.

My Personal Brand

I am out-of-the-box. I love that I have the potential to bring forth fresh ideas, and don’t shy away from doing so. I’m social. I hope to facilitate an environment with everyone I’ll work with where openness, communication, and comfort are present. I’m energizing. I can face the unknown without backing down from its intimidation, as tremendous growth happens here. I’m enthusiastic. This is something that’s best shared, and I try to make any project fun for my peers. I’m creative. I have an unorthodox approach to everything I do, and the energy to get those around me interested in my ideas.

The uncontested truth. I aim to have her level of drive and creativity.

